Monday, July 24, 2006

she's now a changed person.

i don't know why i'm saying this but this is what i just feel. maybe it's because we are now in different class learning different things, getting touch with different stuffs and knowing different people that i think this way. i just feel that she's no longer the person i once knew. out of the sudden, i feel that she dislike me alot. i once thought that she giving me attitude whenever i'm correcting her is because she doesn't know how to react to the situation. however, as time goes by i realise i might be wrong.

nowadays, whenever i call her, talk to her, joke with her or be sarcatic with her, she will sound so very serious and unhappy. how i wish i am being very sensitive because everytime i ask her, she will answer me saying that i've wronged her expression or attitude or reaction. maybe i may sound harsh or nasty when i make a remake about her infront of her but, sometimes i just don't know why i would do that. i've been trying to accept the new her and to tolerate everytime i ''think too much'' and so on and so for.

frankly speaking, whenever she's around i'm not really comfortable. especially when somone else is talking to me because she will wanna get into the conversation and somehow somethings some people don't wanna let too many people know. well, i understand that you get curious when people starts whispering about certain things but we have to accept the fact that each and everyone of us have secrets that we don't want people to know.

hais. maybe it's because she is now even busier than ever that we have lesser conversations and outings and so on. just hope all these are my illusions.

well, i'm now at home doing nothing because i'm not in school. =] after the chalet, i have been feeling extremely tired. what's more, i'm now infected with soohous' cough. tsk! joke with my parents saying that i don't feel like going to school today but end up really not going to school because i couldn't wake up. my handphone rang and i sat up. however, i felt dizzy and fell back to bed.

finally woke up at around 0800 plus because of jiaxuan. she messaged me using her sister's phone saying that she's going to be absent for school because she has fever. hahas. i only knew there's a possibilty that she won't be going to school but i didn't expect her to really be absent because i don't think she would miss school. hahas. what's more, after she stop paying her mobile phone's bill, i could not really contact her. =]

today, there's two test. one social studies test on the conflicts of the two countries i think. i can't remember and a maths 'sets' test. miss both so i guess i will have to stay longer in school tomorrow. also missed NYP today. hmms. hope it's about something new. =]

i just realised that i've broke my own record. it's the first year i've fallen sick for five times and missing school for the third time. i hope it's not because of stress that i'm getting sick often. (:

just finished my school work and now getting started with my tuition work. have been cancelling tuition because ivy has her big day last sunday and soohou's chalet the last sunday. she's not really happy with our cancelling of tuitions so i guess we will have to stop it. (:

till the next time, buh bye! =]

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