Saturday, July 22, 2006

3 days since the last day i posted.

have been busy with school work and my tiring life.

anyway, just got back from soohou's birthday celebrations' chalet. will update about what happened in a while. =]

just suddenly feel that there's nowhere better than home. i've always wanted to stay overnight at someone's place of a chalet but having to sleep in an environment you are not familiar with, it's so weird.

friends are so fragile. hais. friendship suddenly seems like a balloon. if you hold on to it too tight, it might burst and pain will be felt for both the balloon and the person holding on to it. however, if you don't hold it, the balloon will eventually fly away. life is so weird. hais.

why don't people treasure what they have now rather than compare or ask for more?

anyway, zariel's still holding on the my PS2's memory card. have been pestering him to return it to me but i guess chicken pox is currently the reason i have to accept from him. =]

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