Christmas this year is honestly really damn different.
One of the reasons; My first corporate Christmas celebration. A pretty renowned "big" corporate somemore. hiakhiak. All thanks to the current company I'm working at; I've a new experience celebrating Christmas. Gave me another reason to enjoy this special festive. :)Also a special Christmas this year beacuse I'm part of the organizing team for yesterdays' celebration. :) Though I think I've done pretty badly in most aspect of my "assigned" responsibilities; I still had fun because it WAS FUN! ^^
Words can't really describe in exact how fun the celebration was so here are the pictures!!!!! ^^

Prepared 2 boxes of Candy Canes for friends and colleagues in return if they give me gifts + for some nice colleagues!

Bubble Gum & Strawberry
Haven't tried them!

Gifts for my colleagues, friends @ work and managers!
Arrived at work feeling rather sleepy because I slept really late the night before. Was settling up my table when a small gift caught my eye. So early! One by one, colleagues started coming by my table to give me gifts. So sweet of them! Really. Close to them or not; they've got something prepared. :)
Everyone started distributing gifts and wishing each other an advanced "Merry Christmas"~~ So much so, the feel to work was rather low~ Lol. But I did do my work here and there~ Jasmine even came by to my desk and say "I don't feel like working, talk to me leh." hahahha.
Everyone started distributing gifts and wishing each other an advanced "Merry Christmas"~~ So much so, the feel to work was rather low~ Lol. But I did do my work here and there~ Jasmine even came by to my desk and say "I don't feel like working, talk to me leh." hahahha.


My lucky draw number and bingo sheet!
ps: Yes, I chose that number!

Marketing Department and our Christmas corner

Cindy Mama!!!!!!

Them raping my camera again. xD

Shamyn and her "Duffy" Duck shirt.


Me in my first outfit!
Because I was in the committee, we had this common dresscode. Sesame Street. But I didn't wanna miss out or be an odd one out from my department; So I also bought this top my department has decided on. :D

Oh ya! This bow is what we have bought for the clique to wear during our celebration! As my department was sourcing out for a common broach or something I suggested this bow and they were fine with it so tada! ^^

This is the kids wear lo! I didn't wanna get the adult one because the designs weren't as cute as the kids one. Pfft. Cute stuffs are more appealing! #justsaying

We took quite a while settling ourselves in the toilet and photo-bombing that we almost got left out of the Company Photo!!!! Lol. Went into office to find everyone seated and all. Lol. Embarrassed much because they were all facing the door! ><

Jasmine mentioned "I used to take a lot of photos, but I stopped because people here don't."
She said something like that laaaaaa. But now that she has us~ PHOTO BOMBING ISH POSSIBLE! :D

Zoe Zoe Zoe

She calls me "Surprise!" because of my Chinese Name.
Once, she came in to the toilet, saw me and exclaim "SURPRISE!"
I was indeed surprise. hahahhaa. Got a shock!

Camwhoring without me! >:(

Everyone queuing up for lunch!


Cindy mama!!!!
Call her that because she really gives me my mothers' feel. HAHA. Always happy and cute! ^^ And she doesn't have a daughter so I'm kindda like her "god-daughter" in the office. xD

Christmas Tree voting results! Sad we didn't win. :((
But it was really fun decorating the tree because it's my first time! (Y)!

Gift Exchange corner!

Gift Exchange numbers behind these really nice cards!

My gift! No idea who's the lucky one who got mine!
I got some cookies/chocolate from Lindth (No idea how to spell it!)

I really like the fish but I didn't eat much because I was semi-tired. LOL.



Gift from Lina and myself! Shamyn left hers at home lo. Sobs.


*I cannot remember her name. oops!*

Christmas Taboo!
It was really funny. Lol.

Winner of the Christmas Tree decoration.
Shamyns' department.

Lina and her exchanged gift!

One of us playing around with our General Manager. xD

Everyone else were watching and laughing. Hahaha.

MC for the day!
Why does my face look so darn weird here?!!

==; The hamper is at least half my height or something! Worth around $100+?
But I'm lucky that my colleague was it so we exchanged! HEHEHE.
I got a $50 shopping voucher! WOOT!

Can't imagine how I'm going to bring it back. ><

$100 shopping voucher!

General Manager announcing and additional item to the top luck draw!

Jasmine was picked out in the second draw. SO WASTED!
One place away from $200 Shopping Voucher! She got a coffee maker instead. Hurrrrr.


Just some funny performance by the art department. :)

Forfeit for the last place group in Christmas Taboo!

Company singing together!
We were ONLY loud in the FIVE GOLDEN RINGS!!!! hahahaha.


Came to office with one bag and went back with 3 big heavy ones! ♥♥♥

Was really exhausted by the end of the day. Didn't really work during the last hour and instead, was cleaning up my table and all. xD
Headed out after that to meet up with clique for our Christmas Eve countdown. LMAO.
ps: Wanted to blog last night but there are too many photos to go through so end up waking up early to do it instead. :D