Saturday, June 02, 2018

Only Human After All

 Today’s entry had been inspired by multiple unrelated incidents and emotions I have seen/heard and felt over the past few weeks. 

“It’s okay because we are only human after all” was the title I wanted to go with, but seemed kindda too much.


I think many of us, if not all of us, always try to be as politically correct as we can in all kinds of situations. Many times, we don’t say what we truly feel or think about something because it can or may come off really…… awful, silly, stupid or just… wrong. I am going to take Xiaxue as an example of one of the most real people I know (not personally, duh); she’s just… true to her own thoughts and emotions. Though not always agreeable, and not always right, I find her the most refreshing influencer because she makes me think about different angles to the same situation and learn how to accept what we really think. It is a fact that we don’t always agree with the mass, sometimes… just sometimes we secretly have an unpopular opinion of our own.

Between our thoughts and the things we do, I believe the action on something we decide to make matters a lot more than what we think. Actions speak louder than words; also, actions determine more of who we are.

Taking for example… I remember Xiaxue admitting that she doesn’t think all babies are cute. SO TRUE, isn’t it? But because we never want to hurt the mothers, most of us would ogle at babies. All babies, even when we secretly don’t think they are cute...

Is today’s entry a way for myself to justify my sinful thoughts? Maybe…

But having bad thoughts, doesn’t make us that bad a person if we just keep them in our heads, right?

We are only human after all.

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