Anyways, titled this entry "Sober* Christmas Dinner!!! ^^" because I wanna make sure no one suspect we're high or something. Haha. From most of the pictures we took, we look rather crazy and like as if we are drunk or something. BUT WE WERE NOT DRUNK KAY! Was just having mad fun snapping away.
Speaking of which, the number of pictures we have taken gave me a major shock! :O 210!!! That's the normal number my clique used to take when we go for an outing! We have about... 10 of us! And tonight, 3 of us manage to hit 200! Madass. LOL.
Since pictures paint a thousand words, here I have with me a gazillion words! ^^




Imitating Lina's droopy eyes!
Had a good time teasing her because she had droopy eyes in most of the pictures we took. lol.

I'm so gonna die tomorrow....

&Here's a special,,, SHAMYN CORNER!!! xD

Was laughing our asses off because Lina can be sucha bimbo! HAHAHA.
Shamyn asked her to help take a picture of me with the background slow-synced effect. She pressed the shutter and THEN shake the camera AFTER the shot was make. CUTE OR WHAT! LOL.

HAHAH. She did this because I took almost a million pictures of them without stopping or letting them see the shots! xD


Definitely look like we had tonnes of fun, don't we? :)))
THE LIVE BAND WAS GOOD TOO! ^^ Just wasted we sat around for a while after they took FREAKING long to set up. ><