Gary and Weishan covering their eyes LOL
So..... the three of us have gathered at my place to watch "The Conjouring" today. Just the three of us because a few in the clique is at work or having exams while the others were never fans of horror flicks.
I was surprised at myself for being less scared than I remember. Maybe it's because the filming style and scaring scenes are very similar to "Insidious 2", I thought a few scenes were pretty expected. (Scariest shit in this movie would be the clapping.) But hopefully, it's because I am now no longer a scare-dy cat instead! :D
It is also confirmed today that the family is cancelling our Bangkok trip again. :( I am sad that we've cancelled this trip the second time this year but it is always better to be safe than sorry... Right? :( Because of the cancellation of this trip, I am starting to panic a little... My job hunt is delayed for nothing. x,x Anyhow, I'm still not complaining about this long break. Hopefully, a good job opportunity would come soon. ^^
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