Friday, August 10, 2007

NICHOLAS's 16!! ^^

before i start of my post;


today is Nicholas HOCHACHA birthday! hahas.

planned to watch "Shutter" at Mdm Ongs' in the late morning thus, yesterday after AMaths tuition, Soohou, Ivy and I went over to the video shop at Kovan to rent "Shutter". it was good to find DVD but it was scratched. the person in-charge said it was okay but luckily my dad watch it beforehand. the movie was so distorted that even those scary scenes became so-not-scary at all because the motion was very slow. -.- so, woke up early and headed off to the shop and change the disc.
mum was so slow in which made me so late. Nicholas, blame it on your little girlfriend who caused me and my sis to be late! (:

watched "Shutter" for the fifth time- but, today was more of watching Gary instead. hahas! well, i can't say he's cute but he's really funny. can't believe he had watched it before, he's still so afraid of the certain scenes la! hahas. after that, we didn't get to have lunch because of the waiting for people (slow COW~) and the time of the movie. thus, me and my sister sent Nicholas, Gary, Soohou, Darius, Cindy and Zhe An off for their "Rush Hour 3". before we look for my mother and Aunty Teo, ate a little snack at Bens' and Jerry! lols.

*what an unlucky day for me! ):

after that, shopped around with mum and Aunty Teo while waiting for those watching movie. after their movie, we walked around before settling down for dinner at Fish Market! (: great place to dine in. it's much better than Fish and Co. (to what i think)- because i don't feel sick of eating what i was eating. lols.

wanted to buy cake but in the end, Cindy and Darius sneak out when Nicholas was on the line outside the resturant.
the plan was to have Darius call Nicholas asking him over to the toilet because he was suppose to be vomitting and Cindy rushing in with the cake for us to prepare the surprise. unfortunately, Darius and Nicholas came in too early. ahhhhhhhhh~ another surprise ruined! hahas~
but glad that he was happy and still surprised! =]

sians.. let the picture do the talking la. tired~ (:

before i go on to the pictures we took today...
some shots i had ages ago which i've just found in this computer. hahas.

i love this picture most! (:

Jiaxuan, Jasmine and Agnes..

hehs. my sister, me and haniza.
we had a long long chat..

ahhhh. i really miss JJAR! (:

4EB with the four Beijing 109 Middle School Students! (: aw~ i miss them! hahas.

okayy.. here goes.. (:

the nice resturant. Gary really love taking pictures like these for future fruitful flashbacks ya? hahas.

see the big boss discussing what to eat at the end of the table. hahas.

hmms. can't remember what crap he was blabbering about. XD

the Birthday Cake! hahas.
it's really weird to know that today is the first time Nicholas is celebrating his birthday outside with his friends. lols.

hahs! must be too engross in...

EUGENE! the smart frog for the day! hahas.

Zhe An, forever typing in his phone. TSK! eating also have to text. lols.

Birthday boy~ he sure look happy! hahas.

although, he was really reluctant to take pictures...

he still have to! lols. he blew the candles thrice which means he's 16 X 3 years old! lols.

felt a little guilty because i was way to slow to capture the moment he blow the candle thus, we had him blowing it again and again. lols.

SEE! finally show his true self, so vulgar- want to show his finger. LOLS!

he look really happy right! lols. he's fortunate to have us~ man! i'm so envious. lols.

he couldn't stop laughing lorhs. -.- lols.

and, he's still laughing..

LOLS! i don't know what he was doing.

nice right! the oldman's nice. hahas.
but i'm better! i was the photographer! lols.

"KNIFE!!" he look really retarded in this picture. like never see a knife before. -.- our class already has one lorhs dumb dumb. hahas.

he say this is retarded! hahas. no lorhs. this is super duper CUTE!! lols.

DaBian and Dee.. lols.

this looks sweet too right. hahas.

another birthday boy for today! (: we made Nicholas go over to their table, give his blessing and a piece of cake. hahas!

he was super slow la.

then, the boy came over and gave a piece of his bithday cake to him. lols.

some stupid shots!

my coke float over-flowing! lols. all because of the stupid SOOHOU!

soohou found this special. hahas.

and this, soohou found it ridiculous!

soohou interpreted it and said: "we might as well take out the ice-cream ourselves! we actually have to pay when we don't want to have ice-cream!!" lols.

what can we say? hahas. so KAWAII !!

hahas! found this in my sister's computer.

took it before meeting Soohou and company. i look really retarded- my stupid eyes! lols.

after the celebration, we went over to G2000 and check the size of shirt Nicholas could fit in. (:
then, we went over to Hougang Plaza to play pool.

okok. i have to sleep already! it has been a good long relaxing holiday but, the thought of assignments spoils it all. lols. (:

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