Thursday, December 15, 2011

Reason Why I Prefer K-Pop


The one main reason why I like K-Pop is the fact that I can't understand them (not entirely true; I can understand a little). What I'm trying to say is, I can't understand a line of lyrics (except for some) fully and therefore won't get to have much thoughts coming from it.

I'll just enjoy my time grooving to the melody and nodding my head with all the beats as I try to sing along with my gibberish Korean. xD Their music is good too, duh.

As for Mandopop and Pop; I can understand every single word they sing and therefore sometimes make me drift away with nonsensical and depressing thoughts.

"If you ever leave me, baby,
Leave some morphine at my door

Cause it would take a whole lot of medication
To realize what we used to have,
We don't have it anymore.

Cause there'll be no sunlight
if I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
if I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds,
my eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday, it will rain,
rain, rain
"It Will Rain" - Bruno Mars

For this song as an example; it made me ponder about the clique. Like.. what if something happens and our relationship changes or we just allow time to drift us apart? What will be left of us would be the pictures that we took and the memories that we've shared. Sad poop. &I DO NOT WANT.

Honestly, I cannot imagine how life would be like if things were to happen; because they have been part of the most important teen years of my life. My sweet 16+1, stressful 18 and soon to be, awesome 21 with many more birthdays.

4 great crazy years and still counting. They are like my boyfriend.
When life gets really frustrating and just upsetting, just seeing them or hanging out with them drives all those negatives away. No joke. Or rather; when we don't meet up for a period of time, I'll find everything mundane and lifeless. And it'll only take a week for us to not meet to make me miss them rather badly. :/

Though work has been sucking out most of the "life" in me and us; we still get together once (we try!) a week and just laugh out all that's bad. Or for Jolene, whineeeee~ xD

See. It's just a simple song about losing one's love and I get so engrossed and drifted in my own thoughts with my own random interpretation of the song. Zz

Well, I know nothing lasts forever; So no matter what might happen in the future, it's best and smartest to enjoy and treasure every second of what I have now! :D

There are also other songs that causes me to think a lot but I'm not gonna fill you in just in case you think too much about my thoughts. LOL.

But hey! Listen to this~

I like it. Makes me think about a lot too.  Not gonna share that!