Imagine having a deadline to meet and having to worry about 12 different gifts to get for the season.
So much pressure and things in my head; I felt so darn frustrated that I cried myself to sleep on Monday. Zz But I blame it on the lack of rest!

credits to whoever did this
"Don't get something thoughtless" kept ringing in my head.
Thoughtless have so many meanings to different people. And I guess I was too caught up with that notion that I forgot the true meaning of Christmas. It's the season of giving; it'll be immature to think that someone didn't put thoughts into your gift just because you don't like it. One should instead be thankful!
Even chocolates are gifts with thoughts! At least that person spent a cent to get you something~~~
Not trying to give myself reason or pointing fingers or whatever if my gifts turn out "thoughtless". But oh wells. I kindda just wanna get over and done with this years'. :/
Maybe, I should start shopping for Christmas in June next year. xD