Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Can You Believe It?











Week started off really good. Yesterday was great, this morning was funny (because of my mum's bushy eyelash comment), afternoon was really sweet + nice, and I know it's only the beginning of a fantastic weeeeek! :))

I actually had this warm fuzzy feeling when an ex-customer gave me call, got a shocked that I've changed my job and even told me she prefers talking to me and stuff.. hehehe. Feels really really nice to be... preferred? hehe. ♥ I have a strong desire for acceptance, subconsciously. hurhur.

OKAY! ☺☻☺☻

Went for exhibition booth setup for the very first time yesterday. And now, I would like to pray that I never get chosen to do it ever again! Because the next time I do, I'll be alone; the only thing I'm concerned about is the poster pasting. I have this huge huge fear of falling. :(( Even while walking, I'll sometimes picture myself tripping and falling let alone climbing up to paste posters!! :O

I ever had this lightbulb changing experience where I just stood there in fear of turning because I was afraid I would just fall no matter how stable the ladder was. I just stood there and cried. ==; No matter how many times my mum assured I'll be fine, I just stood there and cry with my stiffen body and shaky hands. Lol. I have no idea why I'm like that though................................. And I'm embarrassed by that. ==;
I shouldn't have expose that of myself, right? LOL.


Gotta go shopping this week or latest by next Monday.. :( Else I'll have absolutely no time to get the gift. >< Anyone freeeee and keen? :D Will love you a million years! Hehehe.