Friday, September 02, 2011

How much does it cost you?

Sometimes in life, it's not a matter of whether you can or cannot; or whether you have the rights or not. Instead, it's whether or not you are bothered to make an effort. Even if it's as simple as showing a little care of concern to people around you, or just giving them verbal strength/support. No matter what situation you're in, it boils down to how much you care to do something.

It's always nice to know that someone is there for you, isn't it?

Honestly, I've been thinking quite a bit lately about everything. Everything from everywhere.

There are just these many points in life where I just stop being bothered to care. Obviously not because I can't or not in a position to, but because it's kindda exhausting to always be the one giving. Like one-sided love or some sort.
Not that I give to expect something in return, DUH!. But it's just sad sometimes. It shows me how much people care about me. And tells me I should divert more time and attention to people who are more worthy. Who are mutually as concerned about me as I am about them.

But this feeling will eventually get canceled out, as always. Because I still believe that it doesn't matter what I am or who I am to people. The important thing is, what and who they are to me.

If someone is important to you, and you know it, don't allow yourselves to drift apart. Make the first step and don't wait for things to happen. Be the change you wanna see.

ps: This is just something general and random. Not referring to myself (maybe a little!) but, derived these thoughts from some stories I heard. >< But if you feel the prick, it means something is wrong, do think about it and do something about it. Don't allow yourself to regret.

I'm grateful that god gave me an awesome bunch of bestfriends I can count on to no matter what.

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