There was this time we laid in bed to chat. Chatting about lots and lots of stuffs. It felt like an extremely long long longggg chat that has been going on for hours! But in fact, it turn out to be even less than 2 hours?! There was also this time when we sat together to watch TV but end up noticing how the time was ticking off really slowly~~ Probably because we were there for leisure, the time seems to be at a standstill every once in a while... :O
It's also kindda amazing how I slept only 4 hours but felt like I've slept for a long longgg time, feeeling really energized when I wake up. xD
What a great way to continue our graduation... "celebration". The short relaxing getaway to Bintan felt like a Season 2 of my "Graduation Trip" series, a slow-motion documentary. With Season 1 @ Hong Kong like a fast speed fun action serial, and the upcoming Chalet, Season 3/Season Finale, probably as a comedy. Lol. xD
ps: For people who know me, I don't really upload much scenic images. But for some people who are interested but didn't wanna go, here you areeee~~~ I've included some beauty of Bintan you've missed out! :p

Rachel and I in my house before we left for the Ferry Terminal~

Syuhada, Rachel, Emily and Mua~~~ <3

Nice picture!!
ps: Because there's no Emily! :p

Few shots before we took the bus down to our resort!!!!!!!!!

Shopping at the terminal ~

It was yet another... short ride to our resort~

Sceneries along the wayyyyyyyyyyyyy~ Woooo!

People dancing and welcoming us as we alight the bus and proceed in for checkin! ^^

View from the resort lobby~

It was superrrr windy!! ^^


Guess how we took all these shots...!

All thanks to my lovely tripod stand! <3

Really nice view, yes? ^^
But anyway, we still had a nice wasted time just chilling and slacking around. (((:

ps: She was there for some camp and was there before us~~ ^^

^^ First shot with my tripod stand~~~ :p

Going up a shuttle bus to our villa~~~ Or resort, whatever. :P

Anyway, went around almost the entire Bintan Lagoon Resort, shopped in their shops (DUH!) ate ice cream!!!, droveee around (HAPPY SHIT), sat here, sat there, laid here and there! Woot! That's life. :p

Now, have a look inside! :D

Uh~ After this picture....

Okay wait, maybe, after a few more pictures. :D
Anyway, this is the outside of the resort... Like DUH again. tskkk.

Reminds me of a friend's place. :D


Dinning room.

Going upstairs!
And I think we didn't take a picture of the living room~ Woooooooo! HUGE! <3

Our initial rooms~

Changed to our common teeshirts before we went out.

And we weren't aware time was ticking off really slowly...
Like as if every second was a minute!



It's from Disney, y0z!
Oh ya, and my mother left this top in Bintan. =,=
Thank goodness her friend will be able to bring it back. SOBS!

Our 6-seater Buggy~~~ (K)

The only time I can drive without all the PDL, instructor or whatever shit.

I scream for some ICE CREAMMMMMM!!! (L)

Emily's sweeeeeeet lovely treat! :D

Want some?
It ain't that nice actually. It melts uberrr easy! T^T

Spot our buggy~

Driver for the day. Muahahhahaha!


But stupid la, I left it inside my buggy before I depart for Singapore. =,=
SO UGH!!!!! Zz
ps: Don't ask me why I went to pack sand, I have a mad 青菇. :D

Rachel and her lousy photography skill ~~~

See what right?????? walaoooo. :(

Driving out for dinner!

Not fantastic. :S

Got an hour free of Karaoke, and it sucks! All old songs.

Our actual room! :D Syu and mine, btw,
So cozy right??? HEHEHE.
Oh oh oh! Suddenly recalled~~ After Karaoke, we were still kindda bloated from our heavy buffet dinner. Instead of heading straight back to our resort, Emily suggest we should do a little late night roadtrip. I don't think it was exactly very late though, but it was freaking freaking dark at places where lights were no where to be found.
Because I was the "driver" of the day, I drove around while Emily led the way. The freaky thing was, when we drove up to this slope, opposite direction from our resort, Rachel suddenly commented "It looks scary" before the remaining 3 of us LITERALLY scream and yell to drive away! I was driving but I didn't even dare to look in front! Seriously! It was that freaking dark! When we look at the way we actually wanted to go towards, all we see was a pitch black area! Damn scary! I know it's just our imagination but you can't blame girls for being girls right?! I can't believe I screamed an looked away while trying to drive! Like seriously screamed!!!
What a joke. What a memory. :)))

Guess who! :p

Rachel pointing at our pleasant smelling blankies and pillows~ HEHE.

Last picture for our first night. ^^

Next day~~
We also bought another common thing. HEHE. Wanted to get it for friends and 青菇 but I don't think they'll wear la. Nothing to buy in Bintan anyway~~~ Booooooooo~

To another mall while it drizzled a little bit.

It was pretty flooded along the way. Madness! When the van drive pass, the water could splash as HIGH AS THE VAN! That's the speed and the water level. Crazyyyyyyyyy!

Sleeping Emily.=x
I slept quite a lot too. LOL.

Back in Emily's room after a longgg pointless day out!

Acting nerdy and commenting on how it looks like some picture taken in their University hostel. LOL.

The common thing we bought, nice? ^^

Last picture of the day!

The going-home day~~~
3Days 2Nights is too short la!

Beach Day!

Poolside we didn't get to play in! T^T

Last few shots before we left for Singaporeeeeeeeeee!
The news about Earthquake and Tsunami is so sudden! Thank goodness we're back here safe. &Thank god for my sister to be back already. I hope my mother's friend who's still there would be safe. :S And everyone who might be affected by this disaster. *Prays for everything to end soon and be alright* Scary.

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