Friday, March 25, 2011

Starry Starry Nights~~~

Warning: Very very very naggy entry!
ps: Pictures and videos up when I have them.

Just had an awesomeeeeeee 3D2N chalet with the clique!!! ♥ It's been a while... Hehe. Though there were many "stoning" moments, it's really nice just having them around in the house. ^^

The chalet, NSRCC, is big and nice. But it definitely loses to the SAF Seaview Changi Chalet. Hands down!

Checked in 3 days ago with Yanling and parents before settling down and waiting for the rest to arrive. Had a fabulous seafood dinner with the parents and the friends! Two big crabs yawz! Hehe. Realize it's been at least a year since I last had crabs. :O

Went bowling before Jolene arrived and then, watched DVDs while drinking a little. Rush Hour 3 is funnyyyyyy! :D before we knew it, midnight creeped in... But instead of sleeping, we split to groups with some sleeping and the rest chatting in the living room. 

Had a really really nice longggggg, literally longggg, 7 or 8 hours of chat? Haha. Interesting to be doing so at times we'rs suppose to be sleeping. Surrendered to the nightmorning and slept for about 3 hours while the rest continued to stay awake.

Next day was slow. Took turns to sleep. Woke up to stone with crazy Yaping's and Weishan who didn't sleep at all! Went to the beach for a while and got tanned a little while having another nice 2hourrrr long chat with Gary. :) Jolene joined me to stone thereafter when a few went swimming, tennis-ing and Weishan head to bed. Had a short little heart to heart talk! Kekekeke. Everyone came back and it was time to BBQ!!!!!!!!

Walked around and played card games after the smelly and filling dinner. :D

Why do people always stay up in Chalets even when there's really comfortable beds?? lol. Asked ourselves that question the second night, before we clubbed in the bedroom. xD LOL!!! It was crazyyyyyyyy!! With Soohou around, there's always non-stop laughters! Especially when Yaping's around too! Hehehe. If only Soohou was here throughout the chalet, we will prolly sleep every night from exhaustion. LOL.

Oh ya!!! The night sky has got lots and lots of stars!!! Uberrr coolz! And very pretty!!!

Slept a little the second night because "clubbing" made us all dog tired! Today, woke up early, all pretty much zombie-fied, and then, checked out to breakfast before HOME SWEET HOME!!!!

Most of us probably K.O-ed when we reach home. At least for me, I did. Literally slept for 7hours straight with 2 alarms that didn't work at all. Lol. Woke up to mother laughing at me... xD 

Hmmm. Done being in details! Been a while since I've been so pretty detailed with an event. :/

Okay check back in for pictures. CIAOS!!

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