Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's Random.

It's gonna change, sooner or later... Just like everything else. Because nothing lasts forever and change is the only constant there is. So, be prepared and ready for the worst.

I fear for what may happen. No one can assure that things won't change, that things will last forever... That's why I hold on tight to whatever I can as the world and everything else slowly moves and revolves around me. The tiny me, that has got no control over anything or has the ability to stop change, — is only able to watch everything I once thought I knew, I once thought I had, all leave, all disappear, all vanish and all become foreign.

Don't hesitate.
Cherish whatever you have right now. Treasure whoever's by your side everyday. Take good care and protect everything and everyone you love...
Because if you don't, whatever happens the next second might make you regret and have things change for good. And life, is never predictable.

It's random.
I can't sleep.
And it all started because of one...... qfutpo(?)

ps: gym, I think I get your hint(?)

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