Saturday, July 28, 2007

for CINDY!

no pictures for todays' post because this updating is for CINDY! (:

good things have been happening lately. which makes me go so high these days!

first, i've got shortlisted for interview in NYPs' DPA exercise.

second, i think the interview in NYP went well.

third, i'm glad i was able to do my most of the questions in my Amaths paper2 although i've left out the question on relative velocity and had some stupid blanks because i only realise how to solve it in the last minute.

forth, the students from Beijing 109 Middle School have left for their homes; it's nothing to be celebrated la but, it's somehow good in a way.

fifth, i've finally visited the Night Safari; sounds a little childish and stuff like that but, it's somehow a great activity acting as a break from all the studyings and stress.

sixth, i've watched the long-awaited great(to me) horror movie: "ALONE". the storyline is really good. you end up getting what you haven't been expecting from the start of the movie. not anywhere very-scary nor super-good storyline compared to "Shutter" but still, it was good.

seventh, flag day still end up pretty good despite wasting the whole of the morning and the early-afternoon on stupid stuffs. met a really great women who helped us and made me realise something really meaningful.
remember; while we spend our parents' money like the water flowing along the river(be it for necessities or just for the sake of buying) or spending a happy moment with our friends, there are some unfortunates out there suffering and those who need the money badly for their relatives or their own life stake. pretty stupid to be saying this but i think it's meaningful?
well, life really is unpredictable. who knew the love of her life would fall and suffer from brain damage, who would want bad things to happen to anyone we love ya? (:

the eight thing, my family condition is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO GETTING BETTER! (: got a new car from my dads' new company. got new air-conditioners and of course, one more fixed to my study room! yes, Yes and YESYESYES!!! hahas. (so jiao XD) just hope i don't fall asleep while studying due to the cool condition. hahas.

on top of all these, i realise that this week i'm pretty free from tuitions (except for English and Amaths)! somehow good because i get to have good rest. no rushing for time nor the need to complete all assignments in one day.

but then again, life is never fair. when you have good things happening to you, there are bound to be bad things happening at the same time.
more good things than bad things though. ^^

sighs. broke, BrOkE, BROKE! i really don't know where the hell that twenty dollars have gone to. where did i spend it on.

hahas. that's about it larhs.

a great summary of the things that have been happening! (:

okayy, going to do my journal and i shall be off to bed!

pictures next time larhs. ^^

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