a dazzling one......... :)

The ticket(s)~~~

Lightstick packaging! :D

Aqua Pearl I think. I keep forgetting. >< *fail fan*
ps: except for SHINee and captions, i'm in the mood to blog in no capitalization. #justsaying :D
anyway, i'm pretty much (definitely!) gonna be spam-blog about tonights' concert. so if you can't understand why people/i like something that i don't understand, or is *roll eyes* about people attending concerts, or if you just dislike SHINee, please just click the "cross" button on the top of your broswer(or just close this tab). i don't mind. pfft. idiots. :p
there are a few things i'm upset about tonight... :'(
1) SHINee World Concert was too short!
2) my damn camera chose to die
3) i forgot to charge my spare battery *stabs self*
4) SHINee World Concert ended too fast!
and that's pretty much all... lol. everything else was awesome. SHINee was just... (Y)(Y)! i don't even have enough thumbs and toes to express how (Y) they were!
there ain't gonna be much pictures in this entry that's gonna be filled with words because i was more interested in watching them in chameleon size than from my camera screen. and also because i was stopped to snapping and then my camera died. zzz very upset that i wasn't able to take the last few shots of them bowing and being candid during the encore! *emo to death*

Place we met up. Spot the many other fans! :)


Priscillia and Stefanie

Squat so low to accomodate my height. >:( lol

No, no, no,,, not gonna bore you with the concert details yet. xD Just a preview. :p

Xiuqing and Stefanie stopped to buy a few stuffs while the rest of us headed off.

@Yoguru before the previous picture and before the concert.. :)

Another cam-whore shot! :D

Went with tired sister.

New friend!

My sister's a timid dog!
just like Sugar, my sister is a timid little dog! lol. when the lights were dimmed in the concert hall and everyone screamed, my sister turned to me and said: "OMG, I'm so scared!!! Like I'm on a roller coaster going down soon." and she kept repeating she's scared. == lol.

later, stefanie's friend came along and we spent the noon just having lunch+dinner and chit chatting. i find being in a fan club or being a fan of something is really interesting. it instantly creates topics for people who are total strangers to one another. it was so easy to talk to new people with an obvious interest in the same thing. like dogs, i see my sister interacting with people around right away when she walks the dog or brings sugar to NEX. like, there's no awkwardness or shy-ness.
bumped into a few secondary school friends and saw a few familiar faces. surprising to know so many people being interested in SHINee. xD anyways, i'm just saying it's nice to be able to interact with other SHINee fans. :))
pictures of the concert before you see a whole chunk of words and close the browser. pfft.

Male and female fans walking into the concert hall.

Still a crowd outside!

Excited us! :D

Filling up the hall~~~

Are you ready???? :D

Lightstick lighted concert hall!


After screaming like hell throughout the introductory video. YAY-NESS!

Key Key Key Key Key!!!

Belting up to fly!


Onew's smirk~~~ awwww.

Them pointing at Key because there were many 'ki's in the lyrics and he was singing. So cute. hehehe.

Another Key

&another Key. Lol.

Random pictures of a figure.
These two girls kept holding up these signs. Apparently with the members' names. Couldn't take it after the third time and asked them to stop it. Pfft. But it seems like they are Koreans because they couldn't understand me until I did sign language. ==

Key and a girl??

No la, just Minnie~~

Pretty Minnie. heheheh.

the.lightstick.blocked.Jonghyun!!!! >:(

I screamed when Onew dashed to the other side. :D
He kindda kept doing stunns like pre-dashing, hanging on a pole, trying to reach out to a fan and just being himself. lol.

Spot Jonghyun, Key and Onew trying to imitate apes! hahahha. I laughed.

Jump Jump Jump!

&omg.. sobs. last shot before I was asked to stop snapping. emoshit. and then my camera died from being alive for too long. pfft.

Stage with papers falling from the ceiling. ^^
ps: Taken with my lousy handphone camera. emoshit.

See them walking over to our side to bow.

Bowing. Please imagine them there, lights too bright. emoshit.

Okay, you can close the browser/tab now. Below is flooded with nothing but words.
i was initially kindda blah about the concert. in fact, i sort of regreted getting the tickets the moment i did... just a little though! VERY LITTLE. i blame it on their full focus on the japanese market... :( haven't heard or watch them for the longest time! (very hooked to 2NE1 before tonight... now, i'm repeating SHINee songs again. kyaaaaaa!!!) but anyway, i was hyped up when we queued to enter the concert place. and then, i went mad during the 2hours 36minutes. mad mad. lol.
in fact, i was pretty much in my own world while watching them. lmao. i choose to not look at the screen at all (fine, i peeped at the screen every once in a while) and just stared at them running around the stage performing, and acting candidly. :D
yes, small and unable to see their facial expressions. give me a break!
because i read up on their very first concert in Korea, i kindda knew what was gonna happen here and there. yes, it's a replicate; but i don't blame them because the company choose to plan 100% of their time and schedules in japan. sigh. they looked extremely tired during the start of the concert. heard they flew here right after a schedule in korea this morning. prolly had to rehearse for tonight straight away too... sigh. i hope they get more rest! but i'm glad they got hyped up later in the night. ^^
sister kept exclaiming how handsome they look (mostly Jonghyun and Minho). hahahha. DUH~
anyways, they were awesome! sang live (their lives are fantastic!), danced as hard uniformly and gave plenty of fan services (especially Key!!! omg, the kisses he planted on the balls he threw!!!) :D they sang a lot a lot of songs! probably can count the songs they didn't sing instead! lol. but no, i don't remember all they did sing or did not sing. and i'm glad they half lipsync-ed only 2% of the songs they sang, for dancing harder instead ♥
sang along every single songs they sang (except for their solos and this... angel song.) and screamed my lungs out everytime others did. lololol. now, my sore throat is worse. it felt alright after the concert. but as time ticks off, it feels worse and i sound even more hoarse! :S
come to think of it, i cannot really remember the entire experience. lmao. everything happened too fast. them going from one song to another non-stop, and then some transitions to even more songs continously. felt like i just woke up from a perfect dream. a dazzling dream.
i really like "ready or not" though, them jumping in circles, Onew hung on a bar (damn cute!) and jonghyun almost tripping after going in circles. lol. also like how they interacted with each other playfully like how Minho poked Jonghyun's forehead when the two stairs on stage collided! i also enjoyed the new version of "SHINee World", adding RDD and Lucifer in... i was happy "obsession" was sung live too. one of my favourites!
they flew around a lot too. hahah. 2 to 4 times actually.
the stage is kindda huge. had a hard time paying equal attention to each member. and right now, i suspect myself only staring at Jonghyun, Onew and Key. lol. do not have much recollection of Taemin and Minho other than their solo performance and when they were on the nearer edge to our side.
when they entered in encore, i felt an overwhelming emotion. i felt super thankful and upset at the same time. i was thankful they gave their bestest even though they were obviously freaking tired. i was thankful i got to watch them live. but i was upset it was ending. i was upset that it was the closest i could watch. and i hope i could have another experience like this again. :'( there were many thoughts speeding through my head when they sang "One". i surprisingly teared a little. :/ even thinking hard about it right now makes me feel emotional and a bit teary.........
anyway, the night ended perfectly with us singing the happy birthday song to Key. his birthday is on the 23rd but yeah, advanced. it was really nice to see him smiling when he spotted the banners almost everyone in the moshpits were holding up. thanking us too! i love it when he speaks English! haha.
it was even nicer when Jonghyun led us to sing him the birthday song. there were plans to sing before/after encore but it kindda...... didn't happen. lol. it was best when Jonghyun said to Key: "happy birthday, i love you." so heartwarming, so cute. lmao.
so, i'm done with this entry soon. seems really long but kindda short. just like the concert tonight. if only it was more than 3 hours. :( but no way, that will exhaust them too much. :O
concerts may be a waste of money to some people. but honestly, there's a significant difference from watching from a screen and live. especially for idols and performers. i really really love SWC. enjoyed myself and reinstated my love for this group. :) just hope they come back to K-Pop soon! hmmmmm. >;(
this year seems like a year of extremes. experiencing the lowest point of my life till date and also having the most fun and happy moments. just like the say "Rainbows come after a storm", I'm glad rough August is long gone and awesome September, October, November and December is here to stay.
2011 is gonna be memorable. :)
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