Spent the night at Uncle's place with grandparents and cousins. National Day Parade this year was nice. Love the cute hopping buns and Roti Prata man. I find the Elephant really scary though. :S The eye look rather alive.. hurrrr. Heard the fireworks this year was pretty but I think I didn't pay attention to them this year... >< Hahaha.
Anyway, I'm having a headache right now.. So I'm kindda trying to divert my attention to just spam typing instead of on the headache. :/ On the way to granny place today, I suddenly recalled things that happened 9 years ago. The first time my family came to my current home. I don't remember how the house look like back then. But I recalled being mistaken as the previous owner's daughter due to our similar physique. It was a cute encounter. :)
And then, I got reminded of the times I used to frequent the house of a close friend from back then. Jumped on her beds like as if it was a trampoline... Played imaginary cooking, imaginary doctor and patient, and a lot more kiddy kiddy stuffs. xD Those kiddy stuffs that never involved technology. Most memorable episode was when I ran across the street excitedly only to find myself slip and fall on the slippery floor. It was extremely embarrassing because someone saw it. And coincidentally, the person who witnessed my fall turns out to be a mother of a current friend of mine. Hahaha. I hope she doesn't remember that scene though. ><
Anyway, I just randomly had a few thoughts linked to the memories... When we were having fun with each other and spamming "Friends forever" and "Best friends for life" on our autograph books, we never once know how change would make our lives and relationship so different.
Sad to say, it seems like change has made those that I wrote "Friends Forever" on their books and geuinely meant it, just an acquantaince now... :/ Had a short short conversation with Weishan yesterday about something like this. Something along the line of drifting apart.
Maybe because we're much grown up right now.. We know and see what's important and which is worth a fight... I really hope nothing else happens to our friendship. In fact, I can't imagine how it will be like if anything happens. This group of friends has slowly become part of my life. As though they are my boyfriend. Actually no, they are like my family... Oh wait.. I'm starting to become mushy. I shall stop here. Lol. You get the hint of how important they are to me... :)
I had a really really really close group of friends back then. But we no longer talk. Sad? Extremely. But even if we did, it will turn out awkward because it's been a long while. I still miss JJAR and Celina though. Hahaha. I always feel sad thinking about how things has changed. We didn't realise how we drifted so far apart. And didn't get the chance to make the effort to make a change, allowed change to take over instead.
Though I see, understand and accept the fact that change is definitely permanent, I just can't help whining, complaining and thinking about the past. And the difference things slowly became. Every once in a while, I just gotta be this stupid to think about the past and be sad about the change. Just once in a while. :)
But of course, I'm never gonna let something like that happen again. For things to be part of history. I'm gonna make sure I treasure every single second I have with friends and make sure I have the chance to make an effort and at my best if change ever start interfering again.
Okay, this type spam is good. My headache has subsided. :)
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