Monday, August 22, 2011


Note: I am NOT having any suicidal thoughts. Too afraid of death to wanna do something foolish anyway. This is just something random.

Just before I nap this morning, I had this random want to just die in my sleep. Sleep and never wake up. :/ Leave this world of troubles and problems. Die and end everything!!! >< Life get so much much tougher as we age. The decisions we have to make. The paths we have to choose to take.
But obviously I'm not giving up or anything la. I just need a breather from all these speeding and racing through. Or at least some time to really think through.. To take things a little bit slow. A LITTLE BIT is all I ask for.

Unfortunately, the people who brought me to this world don't seem to understand. They only see me wasting my time like as if I'm not trying. Like it's any easy for me that they have to make it even worse. I understand their goodwill but right now I'm in such a confused state, I don't think nagging can help me go anywhere. :'(

I guess I got too paranoid and accepted too many offers. Right now, I'm having a major headache with what to do with them. If I slowly reject some of them, I might end up with nothing again.


  Life's a bitch.

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