Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Life Is Kindda Boring.........

The only interesting events and things that ever happen are those shared with my favourite people.

I swear I had intention to blog about last nights' mini birthday celebration for Xiaoxuan. But my memory card kept prompting me to format it. I think it's acting stupid. If I format it, how am I going to retrieve the pictures taken? Zz Explains my drop in blogging efficiency lately... All the lagged entries and all. UGH.

Sigh, missed the time to wish her here with this entry. But who cares! I was on the dot wishing her with my sms! xD And she knows I love her. :D

Anyway, thoughts trained pass my head as I tried figuring out the stupid memory card.

Last week I received, "... shortlisting by the end of the week." Already passed that week. Almost half way through this week. Means, I've been rejected yet again. Sigh. Guess I didn't make the cut for it. :/ Oh wells, gotta buck up on my interviewing skills and rid the stiffness and tensity!! Yes, I am kindda very upset and disappointed about the lost opportunity but I guess it is sort of like a wake up call to buck up and work even harder. Who said it's gonna be easy anyway. Pfft.

As the year slowly draws near the end (trust me, 5months can just zoom pass), my worries escalate along. I am so worried about furthering studies. If I can even make the cut that is. No idea what I wanna study. No idea whether I wanna just slog my teen life working my ass off first or head back to the books where life will revolved around just books.


I should stop these negativities.

As felt via women's instinct or sixth sense, cruise trip is probably flopped. Disappointed. >< My fault for only giving an answer 5 days after being notified. But oh wells, not fated to go for cruise just yet. Maybe I should save this experience with my future boyfriend. Hahaha. Staying positive! Anyway, it might also mean I should save for SHINee's concert. HAHAHA. I'm kindda upset that bestfriend can't go. :/ Though I know he ain't interested at all. But still...


ps: Oh ya, bestfriend gave me a white cactus today!!! ♥ I hope it doesn't need much watering. LOL. Maybe I'll water it with my saliva. HAHAHHAH.

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