Sunday, February 06, 2011

Week-Long Battle Starts Tomorrow

And all I wish for, is my damn codings to work...
It's just one tiny wee bit away from being successful, and that small little error is giving me a major headache! I've never been so worried and scared in my life about something...
That small little thing is the one that determines whether we pass or repeat the module, and I'm freaking pressured. x.x

Please, I only need one wish for this entire year... I just need that error to disappear and my codes to magically work!


Anyway, it was temple hopping today!

Don't wear shorts or short skirts when you visit a temple! It's disrespectful... :D


Lucky me, just because I missed a dosage of Vitamin C, I'm officially officially officially sick... Flu, cough and bad throat... Sigh. Please let me recover by the end of the week so I can fully enjoy my post-project activities! :))

Can't wait to go K-Box on Tuesday, go JB's City Square on Friday and visit my favourite AMaths teacher on Sunday! :D Till then, I'm going to rest early right now to care for my throbbing head and head down to school early for projects! :D

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