Sunday, February 27, 2011

老虎不发威把我当病猫 -,-


It was about 22hours ago when we watched you drive off in anger without us. It's kindda stupid. You were angry with me, not the entire family, you should have picked them along to go for a good brunch leaving me to fend myself. And not have us all suffer from my bad, walking to get brunch and cabbing back home. -,- Just in case you forgot, the house is yours, you should chase me out instead of staying out. I'm feeling extremely apologetic now because I saw how mum was worried; you not answering calls and instead had it switched off? Isn't that what a 18year old would do if they were pissed and ran away from home?

No freaking mood for anything all thanks to you. (&a lil of pms)

Sigh. Why did whoever up there made family a love hate relationship? Sure, you definitely love the people under the same roof. But at times you just can't control not to hate them.

Since you would accept my apology, I've got no idea what you want.

FML. I'm going to fail tomorrow's paper and I'm to blame for causing this unnecessary argument in the first place, that got all our mood dampen and me totally lost all form of concentration todo anything.

Sigh. He's now back and I need luck and strength.

There's no time to waste and crying is definitely stupid.

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