Thursday, January 27, 2011

Seriously Hate This Shit.

I don't understand what the fuck is wrong. What is a G when decisions are made among a sub and no one bothers to inform those that aren't included?! I don't like it when I have to find out things from people THAT ARE NOT EVEN RELATED OR PART OF THE G. Seriously. It's not even the first or second time things like this has happened and I don't see why I always have to swallow and keep swallowing all the shit.
If you've got any unhappiness just come straight to me, I don't like to try reading your minds to know what you think and why things like these are happening.

I don't think I'm that paranoid because the differences ARE FUCKING OBVIOUS.

I hate myself for not wanting to confront because I don't want things to blow up since the end is very near already. I hate myself for feeling so fucked for something that should no longer matter anymore. But honestly, how can I always always act like nothing has happened and that I don't give a fuck about something that hurts so fucking bad?! I hate myself for being so used to suppressing that it has now become a habit.

I hate this fucking shit.

Thanks for giving me a good end to this.

ps: I'm done ranting, and I'll get over this bloody shit because it's of no significance. Not anymore.

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