Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Hello, Mr. WB! <3

School's fine today.
Learnt and forgot. Lol.
Formal presentation tomorrow. :S I hate formal wear. Zzz
After school today, went shopping with Stephanie, Gary and Hadi. Had our random lunch; Finally got my cravings for Fish Pancakes and Gary finally had his cheese cake~~ Walked around Wisma and Taka only... But it took the whole of our afternoon. Lol.

Glad that I've found the bottle I was looking for... :D
AND, we saw a rather cute guy. LOL!
Had difficulty paying for the bottle. :S
Aww~~ Stephanie didn't get to see him.. LOL!

Bought two tops too~~ :D

Okay. I don't know what to type. . .

Pale lips and too close to camera. Zzz


PS: Hello, Mr. WB~~~~~ Lol! Love you!! ;)
Only Steph, Gary and Hadi know who is it... HAHA!
PS: You still matter, that's why I'm still bothered. I just can't let it go and forget about it, like seriously.

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