Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Can of Worms.

Schools' been the same; and that excludes the nearing deadlines of projects... x.x

Anyhow, life's been great, I guess...

Tuesday's out to AMK Hub during break to get some things done. :D
(I just realise the IPhone had the wrong date!)

Wednesday to Friday was self-directed learning week(I think), NO SCHOOL! :D :D :D

Thursday was fun? Lol. Woke up early early for chores and waited for Stephanie, Gary and Daohong for MAHJONG session where I TOTALLY LOST MY BASE OF $20. -.- Even had to go around owning chips. Lol.
But thank goodness dad helped out when he got back from work. ^^ At the end of the day, lost 13 bucks still (better than losing more than my base though).
Thanks Dad! And apologies for having someone to help. =x
Stephanie was the big winner of the day!

Friday was Ace-Team e(cube) camp.

Number of participants who attended the camp was a tad pathetic. Still, got to know a few new friends. Hope I'll join the camps in the future. hehehe.

Had a lazy Saturday afternoon before having my first tuition with sister's friend brother. Lol. Followed by a pleasant Birthday party over at Jason's.
Thanks Jason for the invite. :D Hope you like the present we shared. ^^

And today's pretty mundane. I need to get some serious work done. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Steph, I totally agree on studying together. Let's get started ASAP. Seriously need someone else to study with or I'll dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

That's all for my second week of 2009! Geez...

Here I go again;
Have been having a lot in mind lately... x.x
Why do I feel that I'm like a tad invisible, a little pathetic and pretty much insecure?
I'll get over them soon, I hope.


PS: I hope I'm just being too sensitive.

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