Monday, November 03, 2008

Naggy monster just kicked in this week.

My second entry today. Lol.
Again this week. =x
PARDON JASMINE FOR BEING NAGGY THESE DAYS. :):):) Too happy to suppress my emotions. :D

Today's freaking good!! Haha. I was near crazy, making silly comments and stuff. Best Monday since the start of Semester2 for the time being. :):):):):):):)
As mentioned, I was already feeling extremely perky in the morning and the stupid incident didn't affect my mood. ;) Rest of the lessons were mundane.
Had our project discussion and I think we did pretty well. :D At least, we've got not much opposing opinions. :)

Aftermath, headed to AMK hub to have dinner at NewYork NewYork with Darius, Gary and Stephanie. Hell, we had a whole lot of fun laughing. HAHA!
Especially near the end of our meal. Great time, great people, nice food, great moments. :D It was really nice. :):):):) I laughed till my back ached. Lol.
We were all drained by then; all the laughings, brainstormings, planning and... talking. :)
Left for home feeling superrrrr dogged.
But, it'll be a good sleep. :D

Ohoh! See what we ordered. Meat Platter for 2! Lol.
(Before I forget to mention. :D)

When we were served, all four of us were stunned~ LOL! Good thing we didn't order 2 other dishes or I think we'll die there bloated. HAHAHAH.

The food was alright. :) But what we ordered was really good enough for 4. :D

Just a random thought;
What can I say as a 17 who has yet to experience a whole lot of other things?
Yes, I may not be matured and experienced enough to give the most
appropriate advices.
But one thing for sure, I believe that we are who we are for only one life time. Mistakes are inevitable but, we have to learn to repent, to listen to others, to change for the better and most importantly, love ourselves.
Though it's difficult at times, being happy and putting a smile on the face does lighten things up. :)

Jasmine needs some shuteye now.
Good night lovelies. :)

PS: I may seem to be crazy, silly and maybe a little irritating but I'm genuinely happy all most of the time. :)

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