Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Birthday BC!

A few more minutes before it's the fifth of this month.


School's expected. Boring, dry, silly and.. did I mention it being boring?! :) Plain BORING! :(
Was being teased to look like some kiddy kid because of my new backpack la. Zzz LOL. Bought it on Wednesday with Stephanie Gary and Kristoffer where I also realise I am so totally dead. :( Better take care now!

*erhumm Pardon for the long-time-no-update for blog. Haven't been totally free to upload pictures and update an entry. Was busy with school work and upcoming tests. :(


After school, had dinner with Stephanie Gary Kristoffer and Darius. :D Had a nice dinner before heading off to Compass Point for Bingcheng's Birthday surprise.

Got to know it wasn't so much of a surprise anyway. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
So much for the effort! :(
Thought I was late because I was way off schedule. By the time I left school and boarded the bus, it was around 7.15pm?! Zzz

Had a whole lot of crazy time laughing in the bus with Kristoffer and Gary. Zzz Yeah, I'm the joke. ;) Met Zhiyu in the bus. Boy, she's really tall now. LIKE ; S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y. It's not totally because I'm short luh. LOL. She's like taller than the last time I saw her. If I'm not wrong, one of the guys commented saying she's taller than Nicholas!!! Can you imagine?! Lol.

I really hate waiting for people. Zzz
Aftermath, took the MRT and headed to Compass Point. They delayed time alright.EXPECTED! LOL. :(:(:(:(:( Met up with the guys; Edmond, Jinhui, Sacchi, Weishen, Marcus, Weibin and George outside Pizza Hut and continued waiting for Yanling and Lijian.
Sorry if I've missed out anyone. DOGGED!

We were certainly off schedule. TOTALLY off schedule, actually!

Then, we waited for Edmond and YongQuan to settle their things after Yanling and Lijian arrived. Lijian and George then went to get some drinks. While waiting, Yanling went to the toilet then the guys came back. But Lijian and George were still nowhere to be found. In which, we realised they were actually at the place already. Zzz
Yadah yadah. Humdrum content. Apologies.
Just wanna point out how many factors have made us wait, wait and WAIT. Zzz Really hate it when we have to go off schedule. :(

"Surprise" was not that bad luh, I guess.

I'm experiencing a bloggers block right now!


** To those who wants the pictures, please ask me for it through MSN. These images uploaded are edited!

Walking to the place.
It was a pretty long walk from Compass Point to Bingcheng's place.

More waiting. LOL!

Yeah, waiting...

We were waiting for the guys to prepare some water balloons. :D

This was our plan, by the way;
-Those who were able to have dinner, would have a mini dinner celebration with BC.
-The rest who are able to come after dinner would meet up and surprise BC.
-Because, he doesn't know we got the latter part. :D
-When he comes down from his house, we'll start playing with the water balloon and such. :D

Alright, I guess the guys had a difficult time finding the water hose because they were really long.

While waiting again. LOL.

And, we wanted to celebrate at the nearby badminton court but end up doing it in some open air-ed carpark.


Weibin, Jasmine, Jiaxuan and Yanling.

Weibin complained he looked white in most of the pictures he took.
Hope he's satisfied with this picture. :D

After much time waiting, the balloons were finally done! :D

Not many though;
But the effort put in was pretty great. As in.. alot of effort was put in to do these.
Most credits to Edmond, Marcus and Yongquan.
Bringing them up was done by a few of us.

See Edmond, you look nice in pictures la! :)
Must start to allow people take pictures with you. ;)

RUBBISH! I didn't get to take a picture with him la. :(

Anyway, I wasn't really wet; was the photographer of the night. ;)

While waiting for Bingcheng to come down; everyone present look the 10 serial shots. :D
Started off with everyone then slowly, one-by-one, the guys left the set and the three girls took over the camera! :D

Best picture I can find among the ten. :D
I look damn kuku. :(

Emo... Jinhui.

Then then then, the fun started! :D

Water balloon and Marcus.

Pardon for the poor quality images. :D

Bingcheng WET! :)

Last one standing with the water balloon. LOL.

Then, I was wet. Zzz Not totally but partially.

Obviously, the cake!

Birthday Boy, Star of the night!

The lighted candle!
Can't you see the candle's lighted?
Come on, do some imaginations. :D
No lighter la. LOL.

The camera lovers. Zzz

Then, I made a super random comment and gave a super stupid dare!
Asked Bingcheng to eat the two orange thing that made Gary give a funny expression.

And he said it's not that bad. :(
No fun! LOL.

Some of us with Bingcheng!

While waiting again.

All the guys and the girls with Bingcheng;
and a very random picture of Yanling carrying my super heavy bag because she wants to see how she look like with it. Zzz
Lol. Bet she forgot how it feels like to be back in Secondary School.

Aftermath, we took another 5 serial shots as a whole.
Everyone who was there took picture! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
And, I realised there were many people la. ;)

Following pictures are not collaged because I think they all look nice and pretty. ;)

Edmond and Weibin copying what I did in the previous picture! LOL.

Well, sort of! LOL.

My favourite picture! :D

After taking pictures, took out my laptop and transferred the pictures for Yanling and Jiaxuan.
Thanks Yongquan for the temporary table. ;)
& Thanks stupid Nicholas for disturbing me, causing my laptop to lag! :(
Something's seriously wrong with my laptop lah. Zzz
I won't forget those who wanna help carry my bag and take over the laptop! :D
Thanks Sacchi and Yanling!


After which, had a little drama going on;
When we were about to leave, Jiaxuan spotted a Police car driving up the carpark. Well, most of them panicked and started to rush out of the carpark. LOL! I guess we were too noisy that some residents had to ring the police up. The other reason why the guys panicked was because a few of them accidentally broke the glass of the fire-hose's container / box. And, another reason was because someone said we were like having some illegal gathering?!
Actually find it pretty ridiculous rushing because it'll like attract the police even more?! LOL. But a good thing it was a successful.. escape?!
But anyway, the last and the key reason (Most probably) was because the three of us (Yanling Jiaxuan and I) were there?! Zzz Edmond made a comment saying they were trying to protect us. LOL.

Though we didn't do anything wrong or such, it was still nice moving together pretty closely. LOL!

Later, some of the guys stayed in BC's house while Nicholas Jiaxuan Yanling Lijian and I left for home. Took cab home again. ^^
Can't help doing that when I'm running late and feeling extremely tired.

Though it wasn't a very fanciful celebration; I hope everyone enjoyed the celebration. :D

I'm dogged, dogged; DOGGED!


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