Sunday, July 20, 2008


Just a random entry.

3 more weeks to Semester Break!
Can't wait.
5 more weeks to Semester Tests!
Siannned. Zzz

I think I need a job for Semester Break. Or should I get more tuition assignments instead? =/
Just wanna be occupied during the break...

Have been clearing and sorting my E-mails..
Something interesting;

LOL! Men doesn't do household chores aye? :)

Get it? ;)

On Wednesday, I met PooKwee and Cressa on the 72 bus! :D
Was leaving for home. They spotted me and asked me join them at the upper-deck of the bus. LOL! Chatted and boy, I miss them truck lots! :):):):):) Not everyone in the class though. =x Just those who are pretty close to me. ^^

Anyway, Darius Gary and I have been doing quite a number of chats regarding our past. LOL. First impressions, Primary School times, people we used to dislike and etc... Really nice! :) Make me miss quite a number of moments I've had.

Jiaxuan came over to crash our classes on Thursday! :)

Friday was pretty screwed for me. Have been feeling pretty lazy in the morning lately; rather be late for classes this week! =x Had Accounting paper too. & I think I've screwed that paper. :( After the paper, had a pretty blank mind. End up not really listening to tutorial. Zzz

Project's getting on my nerve la!

Okay! I found this picture from one of my friend's Friendster account...

Miss them!

Pretty sad that I've lost quite a number of pictures taken with them . :(

Don't understand why there are some people who needs to be assured with certain things over and over and over and over and over again. Zzz This reassurance will never end. It makes me think that these people is always putting up a fake presence. Annoying.

Off to complete project! Zzz

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