Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Drats! I'm blogging again.
Sighs~ Anyway, I think O'level is getting on my nerves!

4 more days now!

Success in any endeavor requires single-minded
attention to detail and total concentration.
Willie Sutton
+Problem now is, my attention span is shortening every second.. ):

Teens think listening to music helps them concentrate.
It doesn't.
It relieves them of the boredom that concentration on
homework induces.
Marilyn vos Savant
+So true. In this case, it's the studying that's killing us all.

I have so many questions to ask about Computer Studies!
Goodness. I'm actually starting to have doubts on my ability to score well for CS~

Die, die, die!! I just realise something horrible.
I'm not sure whether this is true but it is said that the worse way to start a composition is using dialogues. The deadly truth is, I always start off my compositions with dialogues. -.-

Anyway, I just realise the only way to be able to study is to love the idea of studying.

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