Saturday, December 09, 2006

short post!

it has been a while since i last posted.
holidays are getting kindda bored but i'm seriously getting more geniue rest, what more can i ask for? hahas.

anyway, i'm real sick now. down with flu and cough. hate being sick. all i can do is sleep, sleep and sleep again. didn't consult any doctors yet, don't intend to either. hmms. just let it cure itself bahs. hahas.
no more camps~ i'm so glad that everything is over. woot! prefect camp was fine. missed the first day, all the fun but enjoyed the second day. NICE~! i'm loving executive committee. and, i'm so proud of myself. wahahs!
going out tomorrow with Jiaxuan, mum and two Jolene. it's a special occasion. hahas. a secret too, for now. so glad i'm buying wallet tomorrow. finally~ best part is, my mother's paying for it. hahas.

i LOVE my dad's new car. so COOL!
okayys, signing off here!
hehs. buh bye! nights.

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