Tuesday, September 05, 2006

it's OVER!!

one more event over. i'm so happy. hahas. yesterday was so fun but frankly speaking scary.

woke up rather late at around 0630 when i'm suppose to meet gary jianhui and jiaxuan at 0630? hahas. then rush to prepare and left my house at arounf 0650++. went to the bus stop around the macdonald infront of monfort secondary then waited for the stupid bus. reached hourgang green's mac at around 0705+ then ordered two hash brown (i know i eat very slow so decided to buy something that i can eat faster). after that, we walked to the opposite bus stop to take 325. so unlucky, weishan was in the bus too. hahs. went over to accompany her and chatted. she was suppose to meet amirah but end up going to school alone because amirah just woke up. hahs. also, i found out i remembered the wrong timing for physics lesson. hahas.

the last time i heard from mrs tan was 0900-1200 but unfortunately, she changed it to 0800-1200 on friday when i was not around at all. so, gave aaron a call at 0726+ and told him about the change of time. luckily he didn't blame me for giving the wrong information. hahs. maybe, he's glad that he has a reason to tell mrs tan why he was late and getting away with it. (:

reached school and went straight to general office whereby we gathered all the juniors (supporters) and boarded the bus. before leaving, we had to wait for that one and only person, marcus. fancy making people wait for him only. okay. so, we leaft school and was almost late for the Alice-Presentation. reached there at about 0835+ when we were suppose to reach there at 0830? hahs.

anyway, the journey was long and irritating especially with my churing stomach. chatted with jiaxuan to forget about th presentation and talked about xiaoxuan. about how long she hasn't come my house and so on.

in the auditorium where our booths were located, i felt nervous already. we didn't study the notes given neither did we memorise the speech. we registered and went into the theatre. it's huge, like the last time we saw it. one thing different, this time, the theatre was filled with audience. with many pairs of eyes. well, we were not the latest.

the whole event started at 0900+ and the guest of honour came at 0925+. presentation was kicked off with St. Andrews. theirs was way good than ours. about english. the speaker was good, well-prepared, looked at the audience continously and made jokes. their program was funny too. other than the long seems-like-never-ending speech by both the grammer master and the broken-english knight, it was really nice and educating. well, they won the first and got the five hundred bucks. (:

next, was our team. gary was speaker number. one. he trembled and fumbled. didn't blame him because it was really scary. then, it was jianhui the gun shooter. spoke fast and unclear. (all these feedbacks from jiaxuan WITH a video recorded to prove her statement).

it's a good thing i didn't fumble or went too fast. before my turn, i looked at the audience and felt the whole atmosphere. right after gary, i felt relaxed already. hahas. so, this shows that i cannot be the first speaker or i'll stumble too. (= well, we got the third with three hundred bucks awarded.

i can't remember the sequence of the other groups presenting. maybe just let me talk more about the group that we have gave support (though could be friends) but ended up being backfired when they got the second by rolling their eys at one of us (only one of them that is).

well, they screwed their presentation but scored for the quiz section. it's still a good thing that we rushed up to the second from the forth. GARY SAVED US!! we were so relieved when he answered the very last question with a BINGO! hahas. anyway, back to the group that rolled their eyes.

before it's their turn, we wished them good luck with ONLY good intentions. what's more, we weren't glad that they blew their presentation. we were anxious for them too. seriously. especially gary. hahs. then, when that group got second, that snake rolled her eyes at jianhui. i can't believe she did that. it's a good thing that her other two friends were better than her. she's so wicked and evil. hahas. luckily only gary and jiaxuan wished her good luck. i can't be bothered to have another look at snakes you see. that's why i don't even wanna touch her.

anyway, the emcee was kindda making the whole result show nervous and long. we passed the consolidation prize and was really nervous about the top three. three of us held hands tightly. we got the third. sians. wasn't overjoyed but happy. wasn't overjoyed because the snake's team got second but happy that we at least got a third. hard work paid off.

well, i sure learnt alot from this program. i have faced my fear in "public speaking" and learnt how to stive towards a common goal as a team.

well, we took many pictures and if you wanna view them, go to garys' blog. i'm kindda lazy to do the uploading. hahas. =]

then, we were told to go to this lab where we were flimed like as if we were just given this project not long ago and is discussing what we should be doing. hahas. stupid right? flimed by mediacorp. well, the lady was pretty. hahas.

after the whole event, we took 15 to parkway parade. slack and bought a tie for mr wong then went home. =]

was so tired lorhs. so i'll end off here. today haven't been exciting yet. just woke up at around 1100+ and remembered that i forgot to watch "wo jiao jin san soon" hais. so i guess i'll have to miss what i've missed. hahas. 0=

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