Friday, September 08, 2006

the beauty of bathing. (=

few more minutes till weishan's birthday!!! (=

anyway, i'm bored. in my bedroom now using my sis's computer. wanted to play audition but i really hate it when it starts lagging. it's damn irritating. two more days and the holidays are over. hais. then, it's back to studying and taking examinations. was given the end-of-year examination schedule yesterday. woah. time left is really short. just hope i can score up to the top twenty in the whole level. MUST WORK HARD!!! for that three hundred bucks and of course, myself. my future. hahas.

wanted to post alot. but, i sort of forgotten while drying my hair after bath. ohh yeahs! one of what i wanted to post was the beauty of bathing. hahas. weird huh? i just don't know why i have been so stupid wanting to post things about everything under the sun? hahas. well, i just thought that having to be clean makes one happy because you feel fresh and nice. right? hahas. also, it can be a form of relaxation. i treat every bathing "sessions" as a relaxing time whereby i drain out all my sadness, tiredeness and go out with a new fresh ME! hahas. lame right? that's me. (:

okay. i have been dreaming alot lately. dreaming about many things. as long as it can happen, i dream about it. so, i'm not really resting lately. hmms. i should say i couldn't sleep nor rest. it's just so funny how the human brain work. don't you think so? hahas.

hmms. i guess getting back to school is making me feel sick. the thought of all the assignments and numerous lessons, examinations are making me feel sick and tired. my eyes haven't really recover totally yet either. i guess they are tired and sort of tired of looking. hahas.

i'm getting really out of point. anyway, i think i'll end here. wanna get my fingers working. hahas. ohh yeahs! i missed charmed again! ): hehs.

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