Sunday, August 27, 2006

not everyone is the same.

it's been such a long time since i last posted. haven't been coming online often because there's nothing much to do online anymore. visited my blog last night in my sister's room and was shock to find that so many people has been tagging. THANKS guys! =]

have been occupied with playing audition, reading of book and preparing stuffs. hais.

anyway, it's been a tiring week. especially on friday. my juniors even asked me why my eyes were not looking in the same directions. maybe i really need a rest. a long rest.
tomorrow is my oral. first time having a oral with three components to cover: picture discussion, the reading-thingy and the conversation part.

went back to school yesterday in the morning. had to practice for teacher's day. tried to combined with band but i have to say, it sucks. not that we can't play but it's the tune that doesn't.. doesn't make sense? it just didn't sound right at all. we were playing in a high pitch whereas band was more comfortable with the low one..
alumni was back too. yesterday. just hope they didn't leak any information about our practice to our teacher-in-charge who went back to school that day. (yesterday) it's a pity the school had to be closed at twelve and everyone had to be dispersed. we didn't have enough practice at all.

after the practice, huiyi fengni yanling and i went to hougang mall because huiyi and fengni wanted to have their lunch. ate at magic wok and chatted alot. discussed alot about orchestra. the committee members' attitude. it's not surprising how we feel the same but i think we also agree that we have to look at them in a different perspective. different people has different interest and different way of showing their interest.

some always feel disappointed about something but never do anything about it. whereas some just cannot be bothered. i just feel that it's really weird to have people wanting to give comments but doesn't raise their opinions during meetings and so on. they just say they are okay with it but in the end, questions and unsatisfacting problems arise. some also always absent themselves when they don't like to attend something. how to be given the post if you are not responsible? i agree that course may be boring but i don't think people deserve the credit if they only attend meetings when they want to be given a post. he doesn't deserve it at all. all he's excuses are CRAP!

what's so difficult to voice out? i mean like i use to be quiet during meeting, during almost every meeting. but in some way or another, we should get use to it bahs. anyway, i just feel pissed at times when people bring their emotions into stuffs that doesn't even relate. i mean like they shouldn't vent their frustration on others as and when they like right? how to bond if one is not willing to cooperate well?

how to be nice to people who are not nice to you despite you trying to tolerate? does being nice deserve faces from people? what's so difficult in answering a question with a good attitude? must one show unhappiness to everyone when they are only angry with one?

these are the things i see in many committees in our school or even at work. i don't deny having some of these problems i mentioned in orchestra and infocomm i just hope when people has things to say, they won't hesitate unless it's realy insulting and/or humiliating. i also hope that people will actually answer with engery when questions are posted rather than stare in the sky, ceiling or their friends. is it so difficult? everyone is tired, everyone had a long day but when one can be enthu, why can't the others be? don't say i'm selfish because different people are different. this explains when one is really passionate about something and expect others to be like them. if one is really passionate about something, shouldn't they be more active? i mean it's time i grow up and see things they way it is not.

hais. really have nothing to say. gotta go do maths assignments. =[

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