Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Last Conversation.

the last conversation. saturday night. not talk, message. not the first conversation but last. last good night. last smile. last memories. last words and last everything. sighs.

it's been about almost four days. cannot be said long, but still, it's not short.

today's paper was cool. could do it. all thanks to our maths teacher and my tutor. have been practising real hard for A.Maths. didn't know i could finally understand all three chapters entirely in such a short period of time. however, didn't have much time to complete the graph whole-heartly.

i felt my heart beating like hell when i was rushing through the graph question during the last twenty minutes. our computer studies' teacher took over. first, i forgot my calculator. then, i started to stare at the coodinate geometry question searching for the right method to be written in my head. finished the paper during the last few minutes and hurried with some checks. hands shaking while pressing the calculator making me counting wrongly.
"two minutes left" i heard my mind echoing after the invigilator. pressed the calculator to check on my coordinates of T(one of the first few questions). WRONG! gosh. made a careless mistake. i must have forgotten that 2 minus 1 is 1 but not negative 1. liquid my answer and changed it. "you have one more miunte left" i heard the teachers' gentle reminder. had to change the other questions using the coordinates of T. my hand couldn't stop shaking until the last second i passed my paper and keep my stuffs. what i felt was a great relieve. i manage to undo a stupid silly mistake.

after collecting our papers, our invigilator left. as usual, the class started to discuss. not many of us wanted PE at that time. chatted, slacked, wasted time, exchanged answer and some sobbed for their wrong answers, wrong methods and wrong working.

PE was darn boring. was given a choice to choose between training and free games. class chose free games but were given a lecture about Singapore. about how we should be proud. about why teachers keep telling us to sing the national anthem. sians. sat there rotting. guess he knew because he ended he's speech with: "okay larhs. go and have your free games. can see that you'll are tired." we laughed and dispersed to the games we wanna play.
as usual, some of us lazed around infront of the gym chatting, asking lame questions and making silly jokes.

English was so-so. we dragged our feet back to class, changed and got ready fot lesson. recess was also boring other than 3eB looked like a zoo for people to visit. when the bell rang, some stayed in class. when the other classes were also released, some came over to our class to slack. gary and i were discussing about the pictures in the magazine; national geographic. compared it with reader's digest. yanling seriously like the contents from reader's digest but i prefer national geographic. for a second, i thought i was insane. but, i think it's better to read national geographic. i also don't know why. anyway, after the ''recess-over'' bell rang, everyone not from our class left and i told gary: "our class suddenly looked like a zoo that attracts many many visitors". hahs.

physics was a bit boring but fun too. did experiment. gosh! just remembered that i have physics homework! shssh. anyway, computer studies was simply copying notes. school ended. just like that. as boring as ever.

again, i'm late for meeting. missed it to be exact. didn't forget but was delayed because i was copying notes.

boring day. saw her. saw him. felt sad. know she would ask me not to. but, we cannot force our mind to forget what it doesn't want to. right? unless you're a sicko. what's in the mind, is in the mind. hmms. i'm crapping again.

tired. continue again when i've the time. =]

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