Saturday, July 29, 2006

100% cannot take him anymore!

urg! he's so sickening, irritating and annoying!!!

last night slept at around one plus to rush my assignments but woke up quite early. jiaxuan larhs! called me at around 0845 informing that she's coming over to my house already and asked me to hurry up and get ready. hais. but, i still laid in bed till her arrival. hahas.

spend one hour from 0915 to about 1030 to slack, have breakfast and watch television. hahas. started to do our stuffs at 1035++. targetted to complete everything by 1300++ to 1400 so as to start with our Alice programming stuffs but in the end, we finished the 3/4 task at 1615+. tried our best to rush the two projects but we failed. maybe will have to meet up again on tuesday or wednesday to finish it up and do al the final touch-up.

the Alice programming competition is killing me! urg. i am totally lost with the program and worst still, mr. wong took the disc i was suppose to have in order to use it at home. now, my weekends are wasted doing nothing but assignments and revisions. have been trying to motivating myself to study. had a great start yesterday. although i only completed one english essay, i'm glad i've got one work done! =]

anyway, back to why i'm pissed. for days, i have been tolerating him. i really cannot take it anymore! he's so bossy. why can't he do his things on his own? it's okay if he wants help but he never appreciate my help at all!! it's not that i'm a superwoman who knows and remembers everything! being forgetful for once doesn't deserve his scolding. he doesn't like people asking him things about the show he is watching but he is always doing the same to us. if we don't answer him in a proper manner, he would shout and start cursing us. gosh. why the hell am i "under" him?? he always say that our shows are very stupid. well, all the shows he watch are also damn stupid! shows and series are for entertainment. not many are for education. we no longer possess SCV! we don't have the don't know what channel that educates people. urg! really cannot take him le.. thanks god she's so much better. at least for now when he's insane. i don't think i can handle both of them being pushy at the same time. at least, she understands why sometimes i'm throwing tantrum. urg!!

back to doing my assignment le. hais. tomorrow still got tuition. i feel so reluctant to see that teacher. hais. anyway, common test two is round de corner.. everyone must JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU!! hehs.

hais. i feel so much better writing my thoughts down. at least i clear my mind. =] hehs.

heard that she's not feeling very well these days. hope she take good care of herself. although we no longer contact each other, i know she's still a someone deep inside one of the corners in my heart. =]

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