Monday, March 07, 2005

Audition sucks!

Haiz... Sian... Back to blogging le... Didn't blog for like 2 days?? Cannot blame mii... I had to practice for my damn pathetic audition... *Sigh~~*

Today my audition... Very bad... My intuitions are telling mii that I would fail pathetically for this audition... It's like so embarassing but fun... The judges ain't fierce or so called un-friendly at all... They were okay...

Wondering why Yufang said the 'short-hair' woman was fierce when she was quite friendly...At first when I was in school about an hour before the time we had to leave for the audition, I was so damn nervous and scared... Partly because my classmates, Leonard and SayLoong were making my stomach ''chen'' such a weird feeling...

Haiz... Tomorrow ishh YiCeng's Birthday le... HmMm... Pity him for going through all these obsticles since primary school... Sian...Got back all my test papers le... So happy that I did not fail any subjects but the results were like shiit... Almost all my results are borderline pass de... so sad... Must buck up le... Secondary two liao... Cannot pray pray... haha`` Play play**Don't why suddenly got so many things to say... Haiz.. Think I should end my crappZzZ for today here... Later mii de readers feel that I'm really as naggy as I describe...

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