Monday, March 31, 2008

Great Holiday!!


Hello people! I'm back in Singapore already, missed me? xD

Just reached home. (: Well, not exactly. I've just finished reading all 52 unread blog entries in my RSS Feeds! Hell. People really do blog alot these days. xD Just like me actually. HAHAH!

Anyway, to many who would ask, the 3-days trip was great! Most credits to the people who went with me. Had hell lots of fun laughing at each other (most of the time at Gary!), taking countless of pictures and of course, talking crap! LOL.

Ohh yeah. Forgot to include the names of people who went to Genting together: My dad, my mum, my sister, Xiaoxuan's mum(Aunty Teo), Soohou, Gary, Eugene, Darius, Kristoffer, Nicholas and Aaron.

Well, like I've mentioned, Genting is not very far from the red dot but the journey was... Zzz. Terrible! Good thing I had my mp4 and the jokers around. HAHA! Pity the guys who couldn't sleep because of Gary. xD

The only thing I love about Genting is the weather and the theme park!! (: As for the rest, I think Singapore's still the best! =x The thing is, there was nothing much to shop- thus no gifts for friends or things for myself. Its either prices weren't worth or, Singapore has the exact thing but cost even lower. Zzz

WAIT! Before I go on ranting about the whole trip in details --

WARNING! Please read the rest of this post only if you're really very very VERY interested about my vacation in Genting. Because, it would be very long! (:






Basically, Gary Darius and Eugene came over my place for a night so that it would be easier to meet up in Beach Road the next day. The main thing is to reduce the possibility of them being late. Played my all-time favourite (during Primary School.) action game "Fighting Force" with Gary while Darius play my sister's computer and Eugene looking at us three randomly. Hell! Gary's really bad at the game. LOL! &&& He purposely hit my character, almost killing it! Slept pretty late but I guess the excitement made us energised anyway.


Waking up early, despite sleeping for a while only, wasn't a problem for the first time! (:(:(:

Woke the guys up and prepared for the long day ahead! Was really excited, jumping around and such. Felt like a kid again. LOL! Anyway, did the usual procedure; check-in and collection of tickets. While waiting for the rest to arrive, I went to the toilet. It was totally disgusting! It looked as if it was made last minute because the contractor forgot to do up a toilet. The look of the toilet was creepy and smelled really really bad.

Halfway through waiting, I gave up. So disgusting. It was also very hot, you would feel like you're in a bomb shelter instead. Eeeeek! The thought of it makes me disgusted again. *Pui~

My sister and I were the last to board the bus. Got our seats and settled down. ^^ All ready to set off! Wait, we weren't the latest. There was this couple who were even later than us. Anyway, doesn't matter. So, I started to text some of my friends "Bye bye! (:" Before being half-asleep. I guess being in a bus with 9 teens can be a pain. (X We were really noisy. Some of us played PSP & DS while the rest just stone-d in their seats or simply chilled and chatted with loud laughter on and off. Additionally, you can never get peace with hyper and crazy Gary around! For example, some of the guys wanted to sleep because they didn't get much before the trip but, joker Gary disturbed them instead. Leaving them no choice but to stay awake.

Slept a little, alighted for lunch, continued journey, alighted for toilet break, continued journey and arrived at Genting! Well, the journey up was long and very very slow~ Mum said there might be some technical flaws out of nowhere with the bus that made it move in a snail-paced speed. Around 10 other buses took over ours! Zzz

A little crap, something like that -
Gary: *Seeing the signboard showing Genting and the arrow up* "Wake up! We're reaching!"
Everyone woke up. Then, the bus was in it's snail pace. We might even be faster walking.
Darius: "I thought somebody say reaching?!"
Gary: "By right should reach one..."
Soohou: "See the bus. Gary say by right it would be fast but the bus is moving in the left lane."
Gary: "Yeah. By right, it would move very fast. Like the other buses that took over us. "
Zzz We all laughed like mad.

Another one.
Gary: Said something about climbing mountains in Chinese, PA SAN.
-Some commotion-
Darius: "So we climb the sun? No wonder got moon walk."
Gary: "Qian da!"
Everyone laughed.
Soohou: "Then stars leh?"
Darius: "Star jump!"
Soohou: "Eh~ Make sense."
Gary: "Wah lau~~"
We laughed even harder.

The bus!

See how happy, tired and excited we were! HAHA~


The Sexy Gary being snapped! HAHAHA.
He looks really really idiotic right? Should have joined the guys when they were having their pillow fights!

The alighting point & TV..


Upon arriving at our destination, we rushed to our hotel's lobby for the usual check-in and stuff. It was raining. ): Had our lunch and shopped a little, while waiting for our rooms to be ready. It took about 2 hours. -.- But, it was great shopping with them. LOL! Soohou kept taking pictures &&&! I kept appearing behind him. HAHAH! Cheeky me. xD

Lunch Time!

Soohou came up with this crazy thing:
Gary looked at my sister then my sister became stunt-ed. Zzz LOL!

If I'm not wrong, they each had two large servings.


So candid...

After much discussion and a little rest at Starbucks, we split into two groups. Six of us played bowling while the other three played pool. A little no life but, we can't help it since there was practically nothing much for anyone of us to do there. What more, we were a little late for the theme park.
It's been a while since I last played bowling! Miss those times playing with my family. (:(: My team won the other!! ^^ We, Kristoffer, Aaron and I, played against Gary, Darius and Eugene. They were suppose to pay one dollar for our shoes because they lost- but we were too kind to do that to them! HAHA!
Aftermath, we went back to our room for washes, rest and dinner.

At Starbucks.

Bowling & Pool~

Cam-whored in the Hotel Room.

& The four nice guy who got our dinner!

Had take-away Pizza for dinner! All thanks to the four guys; who travelled so far to get them. (: I'm an appreciative person. HAHA! Alright, Pizza tasted pretty good. After dinner, what we did was slack in the room; Played cards, Soohou's laptop and the rest watched TV. Night was young but I wasn’t feeling as hyper thus, I went to bed early. Going to bed early that night was a total WASTE! ): The guys were really noisy!

Gary being the victim, as always.
Basically, this is called the pillow fight! One person would sit at one corner of the bed and whomever is invited to have pillow talk will sit in the middle and have a talk. (: Although Soohou hit everyone most of the time, Gary always get the most.

The main point is; they went out to camwhore without ME! ): ): SAD LARH! They said because I was asleep but I wasn’t! All thanks to the noise they’ve created before they left for their photo shooting. LOL! When I was lying in bed, they sounded like they were in a war or something. Frequent banging sounds and laughter were heard.


Super sad. ):

& They say it was fun and so much better without me! ):

I even wondered they've gone on my bed because the room became so quiet. LOL!

Yanling commented: "Soohou look so Sexy." LOL!

Just when I was about to really fall asleep, they came back to the room and I was like... "SHIT! There goes my sleep." ):):

Hate them for this. ):):):



Woke up pretty early. Had breakfast at this so called high class Chinese Restoran(Restaurant) with everyone. A little commotion aroused between my mother and Gary. They were both grabbing the chance to settle the bills. It was funny at how both of them hurried to the cashier. Gary’s smart but my mother’s smarter. In the end, Gary and co. foot their bills by paying for my sister and my expenses for the day! After breakfast, we left for some shopping to give our food some time to digest before heading to the theme park. Food in guys’ stomach gets digested really fast eh. Some of them were looking for toilets minutes after our breakfast.

Tired them after a long night of fun, WITHOUT ME! LOL.

Our breakfast. Looks appealing but taste...

Before going to the Theme Park, we cam-whored a little so as to make sure every single one of us won't puke the food we had when we're playing.

Forever trying to block us out. Zzz

Look at the last picture on the right. That is actually the first picture. Well, everytime one person is taking a picture, others would join in once they notice the narcissistic!

See what I mean? LOL! Look how messy this group photo is.

I really like this 10 continual shot although my camera was scratched after this! Don't you think Darius look like some model? Weird to say that but, I think he looks like one. (:

Come to think of it, I don't think we have a real decent group photo. ):):):

Theme park was fun. Initially, I thought I might be afraid to sit on the rides since I haven’t been on one since 2 years ago? I lost the feel. xD But, I was wrong! I love roller coaster rides! The only rides I can’t take are the ones that make people dizzy. (: (: I love the overturning one! HAHAHA! Makes me feel as if I was going to drop off my seat. Too bad I didn’t get to try the… I can’t remember the name of it but it’s somehow like free fall. Anyway, I’ve got pictures! (: Instead, I went to Dino-land. So lame! Zzz Then, we played a few more games before leaving for lunch. Everyone of them except my sister and I(because I didn’t play) felt dizzy because of the last second ride. All thanks to Gary who said it won’t make people dizzy.

Viking(Or whatever the spelling is) Ship!

I hate this ride! Never fail to make me feel dizzy and crappy.

Ohh ohh! Before this ride, viking ship, Gary Aaron my sister and I went to this Haunted House Ride. Well, Aaron forced Gary to take the ride and we join in out of curiousity. It ain't scary at all la. Just like as if you're going through a dark room. =.=

YES! My favourite ride! CorkScrew!!!!
The feeling was best when the roller coaster overturn-ed! (:

That's the ride I didn't get to sit! ):):

High eh? But seem very very fun! ):
Should have cut queue. (:

The killer ride!

Still thinking that it won't make them dizzy.

Feeling IT already! HAHAHA.

I felt like a child again! HAHA.

The one they sat trying to calm the war happening in their head.
After taking this picture, I think Gary slipped and hurt his back. Aww~

After lunch, Nicholas and Kristoffer went back to hotel because they were feeling too dizzy and wasn’t in the mood to do shopping. The rest of us shopped around shops in “First World Hotel”. Met my mother and got my Jacket! Not exactly a jacket but more of a windbreaker. It’s the exact same design as the one Soohou has. (: Anyway, after shopping we were suppose to get back to the theme park but the guys were too… weak so, we decide to head back to our rooms and rest.

Our lunch.
Looks alright? Well, it taste alright too. However the price is a little too high for the quality matters.

Post Lunch Chill & Dessert~

He look like he's spouting vulgarities eh. HAHA!


Our dessert was Mac's Ice-cream cone~ It cost S$1.

Soohou trying to have thick eyebrows like Garys'.
Attempt FAILED~ Because... Don't you think it looks like some head band instead of eyebrows? LOL!

Our actual plan was to rest for a while before heading back to the theme park. However, we end up spending the whole night in the hotel. xD Anyway, played cheat. I’m such a retard can. LOL! But at least, I know I’m not good at lying and cheating! (: I’m such a nice person. HAHA! Anyway, we had hell lots of fun laughing at each other. =D

We had our dinner around 10 plus? We wanted to have room service initially but we were too late for it. Room service was only available until 9.30pm. ): First, Eugene Aaron Kristoffer Nicholas and Darius went to do some shopping because Eugene wanted to get something.

The slacking time!

Played Cheat too! I hate that stupid Cheat game I tell you. Especially when Aaron's around. I can never, and I mean NEVER, be not caught. Zzz Aaron's forever catching me one la. I made a fool out of myself too. LOL!

During the first round, Gary was done with his so he helped me. But when he was beside me, I got more cards. Zzz Anyway, when we wanted to throw a double As (As in lie to them that it's double A) I didn't know Gary wanted to say another card causing both of us to contradict. LOL! & of course, we were caught of cheating. ):):): They all say I suck at playing it. ):

Another funny incident was when I had my last four cards of the same number. What I wanted to do was throw all four and shout out any number that fulfills the rule. The thing is, I threw the cards and stood there watching the TV. LOL! The rest of them were stunned. HAHA! Of course, they caught me for cheating. Silly me!

Last incident for some gags. Well, Nicholas threw one 2 cards. Then Soohou asked him, "So is it one or two cards?" I think it sort of made Nicholas not think of the possibility of a successful explanation. Because, he tried explaining what he meant which in the end made no sense! LOL. He went, "One................ Two" LOL! Like no difference from One 2 or 1 Two. Zzz

May not seem funny though. LOL!

Our dinner. See the right hand side. Zzz Yeah, we had similar things for breakfast.

And, the siew mai was in green colour! Looks OMG la. But taste quite alright.


After dinner, we roamed around, took pictures again and went to a pub to watch some soccer. There was this man who was so enthu in the game that he kept shouting and such. So scary. LOL! Bet he was drunk. Zzz

Their beer. Can't spell it's name. xD

Soohou and I are more high-class, we drank cocktail- Blue Lagoon. (:

Ignore Eugene at the back. LOL!


We did nothing much on this day because it’s the last day of our vacation! ): All we did was pack our stuff, get some food and rush to the bus terminal for our bus back to Singapore. The thing is, we were sweating in Genting for the first time! LOL. We were almost late for our bus thus, explains the reason for sweating because we ran.

Our breakfast.

The things we have for our first breakfast in Genting, second dinner in Genting and second breakfast in Genting look very similar right? Don't see wrong, they are similar but they are different! Well, we ate the same thing from different shops and we end up getting very sick of them. LOL.
In fact, only Soohou my sister and I had the same thing. Zzz
Gary, Darius, Nicholas and Aaron ate something different though.

Their dessert.


On the way back was much quiet. Almost everyone of us were asleep prolly due to the lack of it days before and because we were really tired.
Similar to the journey towards Genting; sat in bus, alighted for dinner, sat in bus even longer, alighted at custom and SINGAPORE!

Many things happened in the departure place. For Soohou, Nicholas, Kristoffer, my sister and I- We didn’t choose to go to the automatic area thus, our manual side was so much slower. We were in the first lane. Seeing how fast the second lane proceeded, I complained to them “What a pity we didn’t choose the second lane instead.” After a while, the lane was closed.
Soohou: “Jas. Heng we didn’t go to that lane. It’s closed.”

I guess they were doing the change of shift or something. Halfway through, the gate was open again. However, I wasn’t aware of what’s happening until I saw Nicholas and Kristoffer rushing over to the second lane; following them was a whole bunch of people rushing for the lane like as if there’s some great sales going on. Zzz Additionally, the gate was not totally opened when a queue, longer than ours, was formed behind it.

Upon seeing what we saw, Soohou and I laughed and commented that Singaporeans are really typical.

Jokes we came up with during the checking-out in the custom.
Jolene: “How you pronounce –Y-E-L-L-O-W-?”
Nicholas & Kristoffer pronounced it the right way.
Jasmine: *Started to be cranky. “Yell-Liow”
Soohou: “Please stand behind the Yell-Liow Line”

LOL! May not seem funny but try saying it out instead. xD

Then there was Sponge – Sponggie / Spon-Ge. LOL! Try singing the Spongebob Squarepants song using the other two pronunciations. Last but not least, Esplanade. Soohou said there are people who pronounce it as Esplanode. LOL! So weird.


So, home sweet home!
It has been a great experience with them although it was quite boring. xD


Soohou look so sad and like... he's suffering from constipation. LOL!

After dinner on the second day.

See what I mean by getting into Soohou's self-shot pictures? LOL!

Narcissistic... LOL!

Now you don't..

Now you see me!

Cute right!
**Erhumm. I meant the poster behind. LOL!

As a friend!

I feel like nutcase now. Don't read it because you won't get it.

It sucks big time to feel what I'm feeling right now. I seriously hate it when these happens; when all these myriad of emotions come together to do up a cup of disgusting cocktail unexpectedly, leaving me feeling transfixed and so so... lost. After so long of suppressing and avoiding the question in my head, I still get back what I totally don't deserve. Come on, what's up with me?! -.- I tried so hard to get rid of feelings like these. AND, this is the third time. Crap! Zzz Made me feel lousy, foolish, messed up, pissed, sad, pathetic, lost and simply- CRAPPY! Got a little emotional during our trip back home; many things and memories surfaced. I wanted to question: why why why? But I'll be treated as a nutcase if I really ask. Know why? Because they are actually N-O-T-H-I-N-G! Crap. When all these Whys I have can't be answered because of the fear in me, it makes me feel small.
Well, I jolly well clear up this mess in me these days and sort out my feelings before I get all tangled again. A good thing, it's over. For now.
&&I'm really sorry for it. I couldn't help feeling the way I felt because of the unexpected twist in situation. It's not inevitable but I lost my cool. Sorry.
Ohh well! I guess I really have to start practicing to pin no more high hopes on people so as to receive lesser unnecessary disappointments.
Btw, please do not let your imagination run wild with what I'm talking about. Best thing to do is to ask me and know nothing but the truth. Ask me and maybe I might talk about it; most probably NOT! xD It's an untoldable secret. Hor, Gary!


Great! I feel like a total nutcase now. Zzz

Uh oh! It's so late!


PS: Lately something's changed, as I lie awake in my bed, a voice here inside my head

Softly says;
我到底是谁, 在你心中占有怎样的地? 我向前走, 低着头- 眼泪不停向后. 在我脑海里你的身影挥散不, 脑海始终浮现你对我的. 只怕我自己会爱上你不敢让自己靠的太.

I don't wanna talk about it again. Because, it hurts.

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