Tuesday, April 01, 2008


As usual, this is going to be a long post!
What a great April Fools Day! Before I go on about the day, here are some people I’ve tried con-ning. LOL!
Basically, I texted Yanling Jiaxuan and Haniza around 1am telling them I’ve been kicked out of the house with a bleeding head because my mother hit me. They are all great friends la, I should say. They were really really concerned and stuff. Leaving me feeling really guilty yet touched at the same time. I’m really sorry though! xD I guess only Jiaxuan didn’t get tricked by me because Samuel actually called her up before I texted her saying I’ve met with an accident. What a thing to say la! Zzz
Then, there was another one whereby I texted some good guy friends saying that I liked them. LOL! I guess only three of them believed me. Really cute. Their reactions were seriously funny!
Anyway, I felt really guilty for doing such things to them. However, it’s really silly to forget it’s April Fools Day! Ohh ohh! Reminds me of an incident mum told me. She said one of her colleagues’ sister gave birth to a daughter on April Fools day. Then, they wanted to name her April because they find the name nice. However, they changed their mind because their surname was Foo! HAHAHA~ They ALMOST named their daughter April Foo! Like, damn cute. Imagine having a friend named April Foo whose birthday falls on April Fools Day too! Cute.

Alright, enough of these. The highlight is the activity today!
You might be thinking that we’re childish to have thought about spending time together in the zoo but, it was really fun! Especially when you’re with a group of friends- you can really click with. Come to think of it, because not everyone does that- we're special for doing it, aren't we? (: At least, it’s a fresh idea!
Yanling came over my place first before meeting Ivy and leaving for AMK Hub. We weren’t late alright! ^^
Sat and chatted with Yanling in the bus terminal as Ivy went to look for the rest. Aftermath, Soohou Weishan Ivy Serene Yaping Lance and Jolene came over to the terminal. Then, we set off to the ZOO!! ^^
The journey was really really long.

Welcome to the ZOO!
Actually, this was taken when we're about to leave. But hey! Who cares? LOL!
Following pictures are not in respective time-lines! By the way.

Upon reaching our destination, we got our tickets and went into the ZOO! Woooooo~ The journey begins... LOL!

Reminds me of Yanling singing: "We're going to the zoo, zoo zoo. How about you, you you?"

In the bus terminal~
The ones in Yellow are the bimbos!

Anyway, the experience there was great! Many things have changed and now, we get to see many small animals up close! We had a fun time laughing at each other, as usual.

Our very first group photo in the zoo!
The people there took a few shots of us too! &, I was the best alright! I bought three of them so that the rest can do a scan and get the pictures too. xD

By the way, from tomorrow onwards, visitors are able to purchase the soft copy too! Lucky them. But still, you have to purchase it. (:
Some Bimbo Acts!:
We were viewing the alligators when one of them made a comment about it and Yaping was really interested. Then, she ran towards the spot. Because she forgot there was a glass blocking the alligator, she actually hit her head against the glass with a loud Bang! LOL! She even said her head bounced against it. Darn cute!
Another Act;
After looking at the baboons, we continued viewing other animals when suddenly, Weishan turned over and asked me: “We haven’t see the baboons yet right?”
I gave her a huh?! look and within a few seconds she was like: “Ohh yeah! We did!” LOL!

Alright! Enough said, for now. Here are the pictures!


While they were viewing the first animal! If I'm not wrong, it was Otter~

Here are the animals we saw!

First square, Kangaroo!

Second was some goat. It was an adult goat~ Very cute. But, I prefer the baby one!

Third square is some giant turtle. LOL! When we were near, it moved away from us then, I told Weishan how good it would be if it were to walk back but then again, it might take ages for it to complete the journey. The turtle was... SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!

Alright! I guess I don't have to go into details. I guess you guys will know which animals is which eh. HAHA! Sorry, I can't remember all the names either. xD

Anyway, many were really cute and some ugly. x= Really an eye-opener eh. (:(:

Ohhohh! Refer back to the picture, I really like the green snake! xD All the green snakes in the above picture. Their colour is beautiful! I love that green! (:
For your information, in case you wanna know, the smell was tolerable. Unless you really can't take minor stinky smell.

Talking about snakes. Lance made a joke soon after seeing one of the casing. Well, the casing reads "The World Most Venomous Snake" Most of the time when Jolene said something to antagonise him, he'll do this little action, signifying a snake and say " This is The World's Most Venomous Snake ". From then on, some of us started to do the sign. LOL! Really cute. Cindy did it too! When we gathered in Gary's function room.

Anyway, it's a pity Cindy and Gary didn't get to join us to the Zoo. ): Ohh well, next time then! (:

This is the goat! Or little lamb. Although it's black, I really like it. ^^
Anyway, when we wanted to snap a picture of it upright, it was already lying down. ): Then, joker Soohou tried waking it up by talking to it. LOL! &, I suggested to ask him touch it instead. He scolded me saying I'm crazy. HAHA!

The white tiger's beautiful I tell you! Really really pretty.

Too bad I didn't get to see peacocks this time round. There were a few ugly birds with this weird hat the rest claim was a peacock. But, I didn't think so because I think it's ugly and it didn't spread it's wings! At all~ ): I really like peacocks for their beautiful feathers!

Some of the crocodile was really big too! Scary~ & I guess that's why Yaping was so interested in them that she could hit her head against the glass. Hehe..

Then then then.... I saw Jiaxuan! It was such a coincidence la. I miss her so dearly! Was really hyper when I saw her. HAHA! She was there with her family and friends, I guess. Because there were many of her kinds but I wasn't able to differentiate them. xD I kept jumping around asking for a picture to be taken with her that Jolene thought I liked Penguin. =X OOPS! Did I say that? Zzz

No doubts, I saw Jiaxuan Penguins! hehe.
They really remind me of Jiaxuan, alright!
*Hope she don't jump up and kill me after reading this. xD

Alright, enough about animals~

We also went to this reptile and insect place...

The butterfly must have been a male. Well, it was attracted to two pretty girls. First, it was Weishan but it hid somewhere Weishan didn't get to notice. Then, it was Jolene! HAHA.

Weishan: "I know why it flew to me. It must have planned to want an escape. Naughty naughty."
LOL! I guess she was talking to me but I was behind her so she looked as if she was talking to herself. HAHA! Anyway, she said something like that.

US AGAIN! I can't remember who ran towards the statue first. But according to some pictures, it was Ivy Yaping Jolene and Weishan. Ahhh! I remember Serene was asking for tissue. HAHA!

The kangaroon corner! There was this really big shoes but no one dared to put their feet in. HAH! Yaping also did when I asked her too, though. xD

"Sawatika" (:(:

NOT! LOL. Sorry. A little cranky here right now. But, when I looked at this picture, it really makes me feel that we're actually being labeled that. xD

The main forcus shouldn't be us but the tiny little monkey behind.

Weishan and I!
Really love this blackie. xD When we take pictures, there's always an obvious contrast! Oops! x=

We spotted triplets when we were viewing elephants! We're so lucky to take pictures with them!
A boy and 2 girls! Lucky couple. One shot and done with it. HAHA! xD

Weishan asked me to pose there.
I'm a kid wannabe!

As usual, when you take a picture alone others will take notice and....

...share the limelight!

When there are girls, there will be countless of photo shoots!

Ten continual shots!

All of us who went there! I couldn't find a picture I took with Yaping. ):
**edited- I found one already! Taken with her phone. xD

Lance the extra!

Just us. (:

That's the snake sign & joker Lance~ LOL!

After viewing some monkeys, Yanling mentioned something about Ah Meng. A little sad I didn't get to see him at all since young other than on TV and that now it's gone. ): But anyway, we looked for it's statue and we've found it!!!!!!!!!! (: Some kids we are.

Ah Meng is Yaping's new boyfriend! HAHA! She actually set that picture as her phone's wall paper la. Zzz Cute bimbo. xD

Us with Ah Meng again! (:

See! Four human feet is as big as one Komali's feet!
Do you know what is a Komali?
I also can't remember what that is. But one thing for sure, it has big feet!

Outside the elephant viewing space!

Can you see which animal Weishan was taking a shot with? Well, I don't knot it's name but I know it looks ugly! Really ugly! =x

Serene, Ivy and Yaping!

Our lunch-ed place!
It's finger licking good! (:

After lunch! (:

Around 2plus, we felt hungry and a little dogged because of the heat. The sun was scorching hot! ): So, we had lunch at KFC. (: Well, when we were almost done with our food, Gary called saying he wanna meet us. & Because some of them were tricked by him the night before, they all decided to do something funny to him too!
Well, he wasn’t able to join us because he had to pay respect to his Grandfather, saomu. When he was done, he wanted to meet us. Because, the location was near Mandai. Initially, he wanted to come in and join us- viewing the remaining animals, but we didn’t want him to waste the $16.50 on the tickets since we’re leaving soon so we asked him to wait for us in one place.
Soohou told him to look for this Mr. Cro and wait for us there. & Because Gary is not very familiar with the Zoo, he didn’t know who or what it is. So, Mr. Wong(Soohou) told him to ask around.
&, HE DID! It was hilarious~ He asked the zoo keeper, cashier and even some tourists! When he asked the cashier, we heard the lady going “No, don’t have” some thing like that. FUNNYYYYY! The lady even checked the map. Zzz
Okay, the main thing is, Mr. Cro is some crocodile statue and the name was given by us! Of course the people there won’t know what or who he is! HAHAH! Another point is, Gary was tricked by us! The best part, he didn’t even know until we let him listen to the recording! What more, we were giggling really loudly- more like laughing rather than giggling, during the conversation. But, silly Gary didn't get the hint and thought we were being serious! HAHAH. Very cute.


Told you I was really enthu in taking pictures with Jiaxuan! oops =x Penguins. xD

Initially, I wanted to snap Weishan alone~ But when the others heard me calling her to pose, they rushed in too! Typical vainpots~ xD

Can you read the sign above us?
Anyway, it's "Colourful World Of Monkeys!"
We;re definitely not monkeys but we were really colourful that day! (:(:

See what I mean by colourful? (: Not all of us though. Anyway, most of us were in bright colours! hehe.


Had a mini tour at the souvenir shop. Hell! The toys are so expensive! Zzz Definitely not appropriate for us locals to purchase any!

Yaping and the Venomous Snake! LOL!
I asked her to put up a face that signifies fear but she said she don't know how. ):

The caps are really cute! I love the hippopotamus one because the cap looked lesser empty. (:

Pushie fun! If only they cost lower for locals. xD I'll get one. hehe. I'll get the tiger cubs and the kola bear!!
Anyway... See Lance! Looking so fierce. haha!

Weishan: "I wanna take a picture with Cindy!"
Something like that.

& She spotted Hippo and Panda!
Weishan: "Eh. You take the Panda, I take the hippo!"
Something like that. Really cute la~
Jasmine: "Why not I take the hippo while you hold on to panda and we point at each other?"

(:(:(: I don't know why she's the hippo though. xD

JASMINE. x3 said: eh. why are you hippo?
JASMINE. x3 said: why is cindy cow?
Weishan! Loving ZOO. said: HAHA. how to explain!
Weishan! Loving ZOO. said: Lol.
Weishan! Loving ZOO. said: no reasons actually.
JASMINE. x3 said: by typing?
Weishan! Loving ZOO. said: hahah.
JASMINE. x3 said: lol.
JASMINE. x3 said: =.=
JASMINE. x3 said: LOL!
Weishan! Loving ZOO. says: LOL!
Weishan! Loving ZOO. says: LOL!
JASMINE. x3 says: so funny lorh the reason
JASMINE. x3 says: lol.
Weishan! Loving ZOO. says: Really leh. cause we intended to set up zoo-F
Weishan! Loving ZOO. says: then so everyone choose or rather given a animal.
Weishan! Loving ZOO. says: lol.
JASMINE. x3 says: lol.
JASMINE. x3 says: chey~
JASMINE. x3 says: I thought there was some funny reasons behind it. Zzz
JASMINE. x3 says: lol.
Weishan! Loving ZOO. says: of course not. haha
Zzz. LOL!

Me and Cindy! I mean, Cowie~ xD

Then, I spotted Jiaxuan again!

Drats! I mean. Penguins. xD

Alright, very lame me! HAHAH.

Funny Moments!

Can you see the baboon in the background? Anyway, the focus is on the two Yell-Liow bimbos trying to imitate what a monkey does, scratching each other's head. LOL! Weishan's idea!

Then Weishan suggested to her Bimbo Club chairman to copy the two wax-ed figure behind and pose as some... Mannequins.

But serious, they look more like they have been snapped secretly like some snapshot rather than some posed picture to some extent. xD

The elephants wanna be! Maybe, one of them is Jumbo's cousin! HAHAH!

The bimbotic yellow hippo again! (:

Jolene look so cuteeeeeeeeee! HAHAH!

Sohou look like he's imitating an Elephant! HAHAH!

Looks more like he couldn't balance porperly on the crocodile and is ready to fall. xD

Pretty Bimbos kissing PUMA~

I didn't know turtles read ducks. LOL!

Very fun times. Serene look creepy in here. xD

Look at Weishan! She looks so kiddy in this picture!

While waiting for the bus we've missed! Soohou acting like a model.

Wanna see how hot we felt under the scorching sun?!

THERE! Example no. One!
This was a snapshot.

So is this! LOL~
He look so weird with that expression. LOL! Wonder what this big-headed doll was thinking at that moment.


US & The Famous MR. CRO!!! LOL.

HAHAH! Look at his I'm-not-happy-because-i-was-fooled look!

Ta-dah! When we were leaving!

Anyway, after meeting him; we headed to his house after some camwhoring outside the zoo(like the above picture). We were exhausted so some of us headed straight to the function room and slacked. All I did in the room was- sorting the pictures we’ve taken in the day while the rest played around and stuff. Have to thank me okay!!! (:(:(:
Had dinner from Pizza Hut and Pasta Mania delivery. Played some gross drink-mixing game and Twister before heading back home.

They made hell lots of noise, screaming and laughing!

The twister! Cindy just bought it and I guess we played a little to rough that the mat actually tore. Oops! x=
Anyway, for the first two pictures, they were in the same position coincidentally. HAHA! Like so cute~


After a while the girls felt cold and decided to head out and do some....

Dancing?! LOL!
It's Salsa. If I'm not wrong. xD

Yeah, laughing at their funny acts outside the function room infront of other residents. LOL!

This is seriously a nice picture! Cindy look so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! HAHAH.

Future Ballerinas~

Yoga lessons anyone? (:

You see! I wasn't in any of the pictures taken above! ): Sad right. LOL! I was stuck with the computer because we had so many pictures taken in the Zoo! In total, we had about... 1076+ pictures!

Halfway through the sorting of pictures, I saw them queuing to take pictures for the 10 continual shots! Then, I join in since it was still transferring and I could do nothing about it. xD

I didn't know Serene was at the bottom! HAHAH!

We then played a disgusting drink mixing game, as mentioned above. No pictures taken because we were more interested in the game. xD

The game goes something like this:

We will all sit in one circle and a lot of drinks placed in the middle. Then, everyone would take 2 cards from the stack of poker cards.
No one is suppose to see what cards they have in hand. Going around, each person has to decide whether they want to give up or mix drinks and draw a card.
The thing is, the card you take has to be in between the two cards you have taken previously. If the third card drawn is not within the two cards you have in hand, you are suppose to share the disgusting drink with others who share the same fate as you. To those who has given up the risk, they are to take one sip. One big sip. (: Of the drink too. ^^
People who gives up are usually those who has cards that are in consecutive numbers. Such as 5-6 and 7-8. (: To know whether you should give up depends on whether you trust the friend who has made a comment about the cards you have. Because others can see your card, you can ask them whether or not they are good cards.

The drinks we've mixed are usually alright, taste wise, but they sure look and smell disgusting!

After the game and some slacking, Cindy and Yaping decided to take pictures. Then, we followed them. After some commotion, Serene came out as the last person then we all walked back in to the function room. Not long after, Serene started chasing after Cindy and Yaping until they were out, we sort of locked Serene out of the Function room while we snapped ourselves...

I closed my eyes! xD
I guess Serene wasn't very happy when we let her in because she looked grumpy. ): SORRY eh. (:

I decided to be in the picture too!

Cindy's so kind to include me in the picture!!! (:

US! (:

We cabbed home! LOL.

Okay, I’m dogged!


PS: I think I know what to do now. As long as I don't see you during this sorting phase, I think everything would be alright!

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