Thursday, March 27, 2008

Having a Break.

**As usual.

Here's a pretty long post before I leave for my 3-days vacation in Genting.
Read slowly okay? (: Take it as a three days post. =x

Well, not very far away from the red dot but I guess, it's still a getaway- for a little while before starting to live another very systematic and hectic life. What more, I'll be going with me family and some good friends! (: What more can I ask for? ^^

Since the last time I update, many things have happened. Some good, some bad and some pretty saddening.

Our very first field trip!

It was a great day! Visited the Yakult factory. Wow! Yakult's internationally well known. After visiting the factory, I started to crave for it too! Then, headed to Qianhu. Not very interesting since I've been there twice already. But, the companion's different this time. (: Very nice to be with people like them.
Reminds me of Carlo~ LOL! There was this man who explained how the fishes were imported and looked after before being displayed for sale. &&, he kept repeating "OK" so, this crazy Carlo started to count the number of "Ok"s he said. =.= He was pretty loud, making Simin Christina and I shhs him a couple of times.

This reminded me one of the Computer Studies's lesson we have had a year ago because we were preparing for some international quiz. The lecturer nick-named as "Miss Hor" by Gary and co. HAHA! She's funnier because she ended off most of her sentence with hor and we sort of imitated her. xD The best thing was, we were right in front of her giggling and imitating her. (: Crazy times we had.

Anyway, we were released late because our time in Yakult over run-ed. Thus, we had lunch late and almost wanted to drop the idea of going to Vivo City because everyone of us were exhausted.

Ohh ohh! Reminds me of how Carlo actually made a nasty comment that one of the Dreamers deserved. Well, there was this guy who kept asking questions and it started to get on our nerves because we wanted to leave early then Carlo shouted, "Eh. Xxxxx Xx, stop asking questions la~" something like that. Then, this person who was unfortuantely in front of me and Huanqing turned and said in a very serious and a little scary tone "Who said that?" Pretty scary but who cares?! LOL!

In Yio Chu Kang MRT Station.
Simin & Clara.

Them again~

The emo kid~

& The emo kid copy-cat~ LOL!

Stupid shot...

Okay, I was sort of boosting about my direct MRT to head back home and all four of them were going... "Whatever" and stuff. They almost wanted to go Orchard again partially because of that. & yes, again. Ever since we have been close, we have been going to Orchard very often. Zzz Despite being a person who has no great sense of direction, I can now announce that I'm able to roam around Orchard without getting lost anymore proudly! (: All thanks to them! hehe. Anyway, all thanks to Huanqing who has never been to Vivo City before, we resumed our orginal plan and headed to Vivo City!!!

Shopped aimlessly for quite some time. We've found Hariss! The super star I've mentioned. We've found him meaning- We finally got to see the poster he model-ed for! So cuteeeeeeeeee~ So not like him. Picture's with Huanqing will grab from her and upload later.

Here are the two pictures!

Cute right? LOL!

During the time shopping, there were some commotion. It made me realise how facing each other everyday somehow makes one see the flaw of the other easily. Tsktsk. However, I didn't think there was a point being so very sarcastic and straight just because of one incident. We are all friends, aren't we? (: I wanted to talk about it but end up hinting it instead. A very bad move because it didn't work at all. ):

Anyway, forget about that. After which, Clara left us to meet her friend. The rest of us continued a bit before Simin said she wanted to get the mini instant noodle she had at Huanqing's place. Aftermath, these good people accompanied me to wait for my friends! (:
Met up with Soohou, Jolene, Weishan and Yaping. Guess what we did? Basically, we met and left for home. Zzz Pretty lame but it's good to see them after... 23 days~ xD & yes, I miss Weishan! LOL! It's so not me having to lie... Ohh well. (;

By the time I'm home, I was dogged. I had a terrible sore in my feet too. ):

Last day of PPP Program, our final presentation.

I guess my group for Entrepreneurship was not that bad other than the fact that we're always being laughed at(definitely not because of me) I guess we presented alright. I have to apologise to one of them, actually. I was suppose to do the first three slides but I sort of forgot and did two instead. ): In the end, the one we helped me wasn't prepared. SORRY!

Then, had a typical lunch with the four of them and Ann. We realise we haven't been spending much time with Christina.. ): Anyway, Communication Skills was fun. My tutor was absent again. Hope she's fine. But still, being in a class with almost everyone I know is so much better! Presented my topic and I think I did pretty well. At least, I think I didn't say much "Erm, errr, ahh" xD

Stayed in the class despite being released (for the students that are not originally from the class) to wait for Huanqing, Carlo, Simin and Clara. Then, Clara and Simin were distributing their Heart Jelly Cheese Cake. YUMMY! (:

Anyway, Carlo left for some meeting while the four of us stayed in the class to clear the mess.

The one holding on to the tissue is Huanqing. She was asking for the biscuit base, or whatever it is named as. When she was gobbling her share, she was going on like... "Wo men shi tai le (We're losing our eating etiquettes)". But in fact, she was the only one who lost her etiquettes. xD

Look gross? LOL! Can't blame them, there were in a hurry to distribute the cakes. & I got the most messy share. (;

Anyway, Simin lost her sitting posture when she was trying to eat the gello. LOL! Darn cute. At least, it was our first time seeing her sit the way she sat. Clara and I couldn't control our laughter leaving the other two confused. LOL!

Well, our (Clara, Huanqing and I) original plan was to watch "Rule #1". But, we missed the 3.30pm time slot. ): Simin was so happy. Zzz She wasn't keen about that movie so if we were to watch it, she would go home which was the last thing she wanted to do. While clearing up their mess, we discussed the place to go. No more orchard though. xD Thus, we all end up in the library, school's library, because we were feeling a little tired from all the presentation. What more, we were all in heels and formal wear. One more reason for us to drop the idea of heading out.

While walking to the library, we were discussing about how Huanqing walk then, Simin imitated her which made Huanqing do a silly imitation of how Simin walked. They both were really funny but Huanqing was doing something that was so NOT Simin. haha!

Slacked a little in the library before heading home. Half way through the slacking, I received a text message from an IDIOT! Well, it was something about having to need a talk and that the idiot wanted to slit his wrist again. I got really worried and stuff. But I actually told one of my friends that it might be a joke and I'll be stupid to be tricked. In the end, I still chose to believe that IDIOT which was a very bad move! LOL! I was really tricked. Zzz
Thanks arh, Gary. xD Made me panic. Thanks arh.


I know, I know. A very dry and irrelevant post. Well, I can't help it because the PPP Program has ended and I might not be able to see them as often which means not much good memories can be created over the time. We might be too busy to remember the times we had. Thus, this post might be able to do some reminisce for me. xD

Miss Serious Huanqing!
My first good friend in the PPP Program! Also, the one who sort of stalked me! hahaha. Huanqing, you know what I mean eh. xD Also the one who likes to emphasis that she's serious when we already know she is. She's cute too! Serious serious, she's nice and cute. Love her stupid accent. hahaha. Not to forget, going to her house cost a bomb! Ohh ohh! She's a very sensitive betrayer too! LOL~ Right, Huanqing? xD Very vulgar too! (;

Miss Princess Simin!
I guess we all agree she's the princess princess kinda lady in the clique. Very cute and funny at the same time! She's definitely very very blurr! LOL.

Reminds me of the last day when Clara told her the cheese might melt if they were to go home late, she was like expression-less. Few minutes later, she suddenly "OOO!" with a very very funny expression on her face. Know why? Because she finally got what Clara means. Zzz LOL!
Ohh ohh! One more example. There was once, Clara came to school with red puffy eyes obviously because she cried but Simin asked her whether she was bitten by mosquitoes instead! HAHAH! Funny girl.

Miss Bitchy Christina!
Alright, I'm not mean to say that she's bitchy but I would never forget the first conversation we had.
Christina: "I can be really bitchy to people."
Despite her saying that, I don't find her bitchy at all! She's funny and very bubbly. It's really good to click with her and have fun!

Miss Soft Hearted Clara!
The very soft hearted her is also pretty funny. She likes to hit me when she speaks! LOL~ Painful leh. And she likes being close and touchy with people! (: Very energetic friend who likes to say freaking and damn! LOL~

Mr Handsome Carlo!
Alright, although we always say that he's not, I think he's not bad la~ Don't start being so happy about it alright, Carlo! (: The only guy in the clique who's very funny but he's not a gentleman! LOL~ Still, he's fun to be with. Sound like a pastor eh! LOL. He's also the only one who presents presentation best. With his confidence and stuff. Don't forget, I only like your heavy eye bags! (= He and his "Cannot tahan".

The Best Class!
Alright, I won't go around talking about how good this class is again. But it's really hard to forget the people in this class.

Like the soccer super star, Hariss. Really cool and cute~ LOL! Huanqing's self proclaimed boyfriend! (= Very slow in reaction too~ LOL! Remember the Where's the hair thingy? hahaha.

Then, it's Kaipeng who was talking about how to be simple and direct. (: Like when it's a watermelon, just say it's a watermelon but don't go around mentioning it has lots of water and stuff. Didn't think he was the type of funny guy at first but I guess it's true we can't judge a book by it's cover. xD

Liping, Apple and Peifen too! All the sweet sweet girls~ xd


Alright! I guess it's enough for me to talk about them eh. xD
Today, did a little cake-making. Didn't involve any oven, baking and such. Just those normal chill type. (: My favourite, CHEESE CAKE! No wonder my mother didn't like to do pastries. Takes hell lot of time and effort. Zzz

Really really hope Edmond and co. don't get to see this post before they get to see the cake in case they know what I'm up to beforehand. xD

The mini versions!

Sad to have bought cheap cheese. xD It taste a little too salty. xD LOL!

The bigger end product!

Don't look nice right? ): Sadden.
But I hope it taste alright.

Made it to experiment first. Giving it to Yanling so that they can treat is as a birthday cake for Jinhui this coming Friday which is... two days later?! LOL! Can't go because I'm not in Singapore so hope this can substitute me!

Pretty happy with it. xD
Tasted salty, sweet and sour all at the same time. hahaha!


Alright, pretty lame! LOL.
YAY! Genting trip soon! So excited. xD Haven't pack my things yet. hahaha.

Will update blog with pictures okay! (=

Buh bye!
Miss me okay! (*

YANLING! I'll miss you too~ (=

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