Sunday, February 11, 2007

NPCONCC and my weekend.

it's kindda late now. sighs. but a post for the day with kill. LOLs.
weishan* i'm updating le larhs! LOLs.

anyway, this was my best weekend EVER! hahas.

had road run on friday. kindda tiring but fun. didn't have to run because i was on duty but i regreted, i would rather run than be on duty. guess what was my duty for road run: to help the poor running souls carrying their bags.

well, blame me for being soft hearted, i carried almost twenty over bags and had to pass some to fatin and ashiqin. SORRY~ anyway, carried all those bags to school and let the loads. hahas. good thing there was baolin, shoubi and the other one who helped us carried them. phew~

after roadrun, we went home. got ready and left home for some good shopping.
and, i swear i won't go shopping for clothes with my boyfriend unless he is really 100% willing to. hahas. the objective of our shopping was to find a dress for yanling this Chinese New Year. i'm super looking forward to it lorhs! hahas. so, me and yanling met up at the hougang mall bus stop and went to PSs' mrt station. went to the This Fashion nearby and started shopping. after about a whole two hours of browsing, trying on clothes and taking pictures of yanling in them, we were finally away from the shop. kindda sad that yanling couldn't buy the one she fell in love with but the one she merely like. they were both nice though.

we went to Plaza Singapura and looked for my mother. bought a new tee! hahas. bought it in PMK again. hahas. it was actually got valentines' day but my mother bought one for me and sis. NICE~! hahas.
after that, we went to shop for some accessories.

after all those shoppings, we went to Lances' house for the BBQ. kindda weird at first but i really love the way we all work together to prepare the food, cook the food and clear up the whole place. the mansion was nice too. i love the pool~! hahs. it's a pity i seldom swim. i forgot how to swim at first. hahas. totally lost touch le.
then, we ate and took tonnes of pictures. how i wish i could own one camera. sighs.

hahas. it was super fun and i super love it! hahas. NPCONCC~!! wooo.

after that, took cab home. ^^

on saturday, went to collect my sis new computer and had a massage. it was super painful lorhs. say what my body too many heat and toxin. i was like almost screaming in the room. all thanks to my parents BUT, i feel so much so much better. hahas. my whole body so much relaxed. XD
also, i just found out something today. the left shoulder has a BID PATCH of BLUEBLACK!!

all thanks to the bags i carried on friday and the massage on saturday. it hurts every time someone just touches it. sighs~ ohh well.

my weekend was GREAT!! best for the first two months.

Chinese New Year is coming and I super cannot wait for it to start!! hahas.

nights people!! =] school starting tomorrow. HATE IT! =P

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