Thursday, February 08, 2007

the new blogger.

okay, i was kindda forced to use this new blogger. not that it's bad but i don't think is very good either.
school has been kindda stressing with assignments and events piling up. good thing that we are having road run tomorrow. hahas. going for some shopping with yanling after road run before having fun BBQing at Lance's house. didn't regret but i feel that i shouldn't have agreed in accompanying yanling to buy her new years' clothes. sighs. was hoping to have some real rest. ohh well.

went to some peoples' blog a few moments ago. i just don't understand why some people are so weird. it's kindda sad that we have to study almost half of our lifespend but i don't see a point in hating the routine. it doesn't help either, does it?
anyway, i wanted to post about something yesterday but i just cannot remember what i wanted to post. -.-

sighs. i really want a new blogskin. =p

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