Tuesday, February 06, 2007


it's been a while since i last posted.
kindda busy these days. and, my exhaustion has delayed the time for my flu to heal. damn! it's like so difficult to finish a whole days' activity with a failing nose and pathetic throat.
school's boring as usual. nothing special happened. i've been horny these days i wonder why but who cares? it's for fun that's all.
what's more, my CS coursework is trying to cost my life. sighs. it's pathetic enough already!

anyway, i've been not really in a happy mood. kindda moody and angry these days. i don't know why. maybe it's because i'm having PMS. hahas. ohh well.
Chinese New Year is nearing and i'm very excited. some catchy things this new year. i've got tonnes of WEARS!! hahas. just a bit short of pants. hahas. also, i'm gonna turn 16 soon!
gosh, i can't believe i'm 16 already! can you believe it?!? i'm going to be a young lady officially in less than 30 days! hahas. but, being 16 also means i'm getting old. sighs. anyway, Os' coming up.
i know it's kindda early to think about it. but at the end of the day, it might be too late to panic. like a phrase i've seen, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". it's kindda interesting and inspiring but things that inspires with no motivation means NOTHING. hahas.

english lesson is getting worse. first, i can't stand the teachers' precise pronounciation. now, i don't even want a minute in his class. sighs. i just don't like the way he teach. hmms. maybe, he doesn't teach. he just stuff us with assignments and not mark them.
i really hate teachers like that.

i'm really confuse now. and when one becomes confuse, anything may corrupt their mind. this, i hate! =p

i want a change in my blogskin before letting people know my URL officially!! pathetic.

good bye!

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