Thursday, February 15, 2007

i couldn't take it anymore.

not feeling distraught now but a bit frustrated in fact.

so stupid. i didn't know what happened to me. i just bitched my way through the whole conversation. i know it's my fault for not agreeing to settle things but come to think of it, is there really a need for it? it's like there's no point at all. it's not the first time we quarrelled and talk about it already.
well, i really feel treated like a dirt by her in the past. it's like when she's in a good mood, i'll be treated like a treasure but when she's not happy, she will definitely show attitude. i'm really tired larhs. sighs. what's more, she said she wanted to settle things, but there's no trust. i know it's because i didn't agree to talk about the things but, in the first place there's no trust in me from her.
it's like kindda dumb to want to settle things with someone you don't trust at all. she keeps claiming that i might tell others the opposite things. but, someone called me and asked me what happened saying that i'm not that type that will scold her bitch. of course i won't call her that, she said i call her that, look who's talking about the opposite fact?

what's more, she totally tarnished my reputation. i came online and search for the nick. and, not surprisingly, i saw her nick and she said something really insulting to me. saying that i'm a bitch. well, has she considered the people in her msn contact list? what will people start thinking about me? then, i didn't wanna bother about it. why should i? i think my time should be occupied by more meaningful things. she then came to confront me saying that we have to settle things.

i asked her a question asking her whether she's sure that she wanna settle things with a bitch. maybe she mistaken it but people who are good in english should be able to identify what i asked as a QUESTION rather than a statement. sighs. it's a good thing i've made up my mind to not give a damn le. if not, i bet i'm shedding tears for her now. hahas. how foolish was i?
fine larhs, i know i was bitchy. but she said that she see me will puke? hello~ as if i see her will feel totally happy and overjoyed. eww. sighs. i don't want things to turn out like this de. seriously. but, she was the one who started to insult me and talk behind my back.
maybe, she has been talking behind my back. who knows?

anyway, i told this person that whether or not i lose a friend like her no longer matter to me already.

enough of pathetic friendship.

Valentines' Day was enriching. first year with tonnes of presents. hahs~ NEAT! enjoyed the day and love my friends. Lunar New Year is two more days away, i can't WAIT! lols.
Common Test was kindda relaxing for me. didn't study at all for Social Studies but i guess i can do a boarder line pass. i am also glad that i could do Chinese~ YEAHS!! hahas.

okay bahhs, i'll end here le. ^^

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