Friday, February 16, 2007

fish and co. in changi airport ROCKS~

hahas. what a great day. i've so many things to talk about luhs~
first, school was average. it's not surprising that our maths teacher would flare. phyics teacher made us pissed.
anyway, performance for the coming Lunar New Year was above average but, prefects' giving of oranges was sort of corrupted and in the end not being carried out.

after we were released, we went home to prepare for our next activity. the one that has brought problem for me but, i still LOVE it. hahas. Samuels' advance birthday celebration. i still can't believe that we are now 16!! two more weeks and it's my turn to "promote". hahas.
anyway, it turns out that our should-be-surprising-and-touching's surprise was sort of not so surprising. first, gary talked about his journey in the airport. then, i purposely asked him why he went to the airport. little did i expect, the issue about the surprise just slipped off his mind. lucky he didn't say anything. however, soohou was blurr. hahas. he helped gary finish his explanation talking about some cake.
then, i looked at samuel and told myself: "Sharts~ He knew it le"
but can't blame larhs. beings sometimes forget and sometimes words slip our mouths. i also almost gave out the surprise for about two times? hahas.
despite not having the surpise, it was still fun~ hahas.

we had our lunch at fish and co. the people there are super sweet luhs~ hahas. what's more even if we didn't let Sam know about the cake thingy, the person who served us asked whether we were the ones who had place a cake at their place. it was like so.. -.-''' hahas.
anyway, first we ordered our food. while waiting for our food, we took quite a number of pictures. nice~ sam FINALLY took nice pictures. hahas. then, we worked on our delicious lunch. ordered four different dishes. i then realise that among the six (SAMUEL, gary, soohou, jiaxuan, ivy and me) of us, only i have been to Fish and Co. for meals at times.
back to the celebration. the fishes were GREAT luhs. so loving them. hahas. expecially the valentines' day fish and chip. it was like super nice luhs~ i prefer that because of the cheese in it. hahas.
after working on our lunch, we started on the cake. took pictures, sang the song and blew candles. there were five tables of customers about half way through our meals. it was better because at first, we were the only ones there. what's more, because the cake was more than enough, we distributed the "nice-ly" sliced cake to others. almost half of them to the staffs in Fish and Co. while the rest to the five tables of customers. then, it seemed more like a dare we gave to samuel then a celebration. he was lucky though, one of them gave him twenty bucks. sam was like so stunned and didn't wanna accept the money. super lucky sia~

then, the staffs from Fish and Co. rapped a birthday song for samuel. how t-sweet~? hahas. so after that, we paid the bill and took more pictures. it was kindda embarrassing because we were doing some stupid acts. hahas. and, i was a moment TALLER than samuel. hahas. airport is sure fun to be in. -.-

these enjoyments led me to being super duper late for tuition (left about twenty minutes?). then, i had the last bits of tuition and left for Ang Mo Kio, my dad friends' shop, to buy a new camera. i didn't know it was suppose to be a surprise. hahas. my mother asked me. -.-
the boss of the shop was nice lorhs. discounted and gave us gifts. even asked us to bring more customers. hahas. good, can buy at cheaper price. he's gonna have a second shop too. great isn't it? hahas. then, i bought one 7.1 mega pixels (i didn't think it's VERY good as in VERY, not bad larhs.) de Olympus camera. i like it because it doesn't run on normal battery and it has a wide screen. ^^

then, went to fill up my dad's car petrol, washed car have it vacummed and went home.
so, now i am here to post. hahas.
yesterday really didn't affect me. hahas. GREAT~

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