Sunday, February 25, 2007

can't figure out what's wrong.

it's been a while since i last posted. Lunar New Year has been great, visits were as per usual.
but, we had to take papers after Chinese New Year. kindda spoiled the mood but, never mind.

haven't counted the amount of money i've collected. i guess i'll wait till the last day of Chinese New Year (my Chinese Birthday!!).
this year, time has been ticking off even faster. i still remember counting down for the new 2007 but now, it's been eight whole days since the counting down of the Lunar New Year. sighs.
anyway, i passed my Chinese with great marks (80/100). something good to celebrate since i haven't been passing real well for that subject.
4 more days to my birthday. but, why am i not feeling excited? i'm 16!! -.-
mother keep asking whether i would like to celebrate it this year but, i just can't feel that excitement to do so. hmms. maybe something is wrong with me. or maybe, i'm really taking my own birthday as something no longer as special.
the only great thing i can think of this year is the high tea i'm going to have with my family this birthday (Chinese). i'm so looking forward to it, the pastries!! this years' birthday's kindda ruin anyway. have to attend prefects investiture. and, i bet it'll end real late like 1800hrs+? what's more, to add on to the disappointment, i've agreed to have tuition on that day like any other days.
weird huh? i think so too. LOLs. -.-

on the third day of new year, went out with weishan cindy samuel and gary to the fun fair near hougang mall. kindda fun but the tickets were expensive and i only brought like 19.90 there? LOLs. so, i only played the "Challenger" kindda fun but when i got down from the ride, i was damn dizzy.
the worse part of the whole trip there was the time when i witness people vomitting from one of the rides way high up 3 TIMES after asking what would it be like moment after. it was kindda disgusting. good thing gary didn't sit with those people or else, i bet he'll puke too!

the most horrible part is when the two people (one of them who vomitted) came down from the ride, they looked as if nothing had happened~ gosh. what has the world become to? but come to think of it, there's nothing they can do anyway. i really pity the couple who got their hair dirtied by the vomits. eww~

sighs. A maths tomorrow and i'm still slacking. made a promise to myself to at least try a few questions but in the end, i did nothing but surf the net, chat with xiaoxuan and later, watch hanakimi. -.-
what a loser.

had a hair cut today too. not much of a change but i think i'm gonna change the hairstylist next time. i'm getting kindda sick of the way she trims my hair. it's forever different. either one is shorter than the other or one thinner than the other. sighs.

what's up with me today anyway?
got my first birthday gift today. was kindda shock but i guess this year i'm gonna receive quite a number of cups! LOLs. was kindda obssessed with it last year and i'm getting more than enough cups this year. -.-

so, i'll get going or i won't be able to watch as many series. ^^

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