Sunday, October 15, 2006

i'm so looking foward to TOMORROW!!

tomorrow is the last day of our five-day break. however, i'm still looking forward to it.

i may not be able to be back in school for stock taking with the other committee members because i had to go for some stupid checkup i promised my mother weeks ago. really can't bare to miss out all the fun that the rest will be having but i can't simply break my promise right?

i'm looking forward to tomorrow because i may reunite with that stupid xiaoxuan. it's been a long while since we last met. i hope she would tag along with us tomorrow. on the other hand, i think she won't be able to wake up early in the morning. she didn't even reply my message when i asked her about tomorrow. hais. anyway, we'll be leaving for town in about 1000+hrs (to thomson hospital) so as my mother and aunty teo(xuan's mother) would be able to check some female thingy. hahas. i'm also going to see the doctor who brought me to life. this cruel reality. hahas.

hmms. gotta run. head is all spinning because of all the reading i've been having since 1200+hrs. i really can read till i forget the time. two books down.. wahahs!

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