Tuesday, October 17, 2006

i enjoyed yesterday.. =]

slept at around 0130+ the day before yesterday. was reluctant but still woke up at about 0900+hrs. was very late for my appointment but i didn't care. hahas. was scolded by my mother for delaying the time and only went in to the doctor at about half-an-hours' time.

after the checkup, went to hougang mall's "Ya Kun Toast Bread" to have breakfast and to meet xiaoxuan (the forever slow-est person to get ready) and aunty teo. after breakfast, we went to angelsky to have facial.

on the journey to the place(for about half-an-hour), xiaoxuan and i chatted like nobody's business. it's been such a long time since we last met up with each other and talk about everything under the sun. LOLs. we talked about the school my sister should opt for. then, we just chatted. (=

after facial, we went to thomson medical centre for my mother and aunty teo's to have their checkup. =]

the whole day was about rushing to appointments, chatting and also shopping!! hahas.

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