Saturday, October 14, 2006

bookworm.. ME~!!

logging in to just post a little for a break before getting back to my reading.

today is yet another relaxing day at home. woke up at 0900hrs but got off my bed only at 1140+hrs. did some usual washing up and watched: "Just my luck". not a bad show. in fact, it's a funny one. the movie finished at about 1400++hrs? slack abit and started reading the book i was suppose to start ages ago. four books to be completed before the 22th of this month and i'm half done with one very thick book. good thing that it's the only young people's fiction with big letterings.

anyway, had a little bumping night yesterday. my sister cried again. getting on my nerves. well, i have to admit that it's partially my fault for her crying. i sort of scolded her for wasting money again on stupid stuffs and she just blewed. got kindda pissed off because she's like turing 13 but is still acting like a 13 month old spoilt baby.

anyway, started reading in the afternoon untill about 1930hrs and dragged myself to the bathroom. couldn't stop myself from being engross with the book. i can't deny that young people's fiction book really make me nuts. my sister asked me quite a number of times why was i laughing and smiling to myself. LOLs. real weird huh? let's see, i'm now at the 236th page before ending the.. hmms. 498 pages book.

i also found out something. evey time i read a book and get real engrossed in it, i tend to write a bit like the author and speak with the verbs too. it's so weird to me. have to kick that habit. it's not the first time already. anyway, i also found out that i'm rather interested in books involving vampires. among the four books borrowed(one i've read twice before), three of them invovles vampires. hahas. okay. one more hour to my television time. 0-0

wonder what i'll be doing tomorrow. =]

ohh yeahs!!! my grandma(father's side) and my uncle's wife came over. for what i don't know. hahas. my god-sister came too. along with her maid. jiejie yani is now the teacher teaching her how to cook and how to be a good maid who avoids and tries her best to prevent getting scolded often. (= speaking of my god-sister, i miss my god-niece. hahas.

last thing before going. i finally agree with what jiaxuan said. now, i really feel used. of course, not only jiaxuan made that remark. others did but i didn't really bother about other opinions. i really feel used despite really being use to the idea(of being used). but this time, it's different. i not only feel like a spare tire but also a stupid one. i know what's the outcome but frankly speaking, i really can't stop myself from being used. jiaxuan, i don't know whether you will read this but i just wanna say that sometimes, it's not that i want to be used. i just feel happy being with some people(in fact, many) although i know i'm being used. it's just such a weird feeling i can't deny.

gotta go. tata``

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