Friday, October 13, 2006

cathy-silk, big-mp3 and.. VIVOCITY!!!

hmms. yesterday was another relaxing day. although i had to return back to school(in the last minute), to help usher some guest-of-honour during the graduation ceremony for the graduating students but end up being treated like a invisible zombie, i still had fun out with my former classmates.

went to cathy with yanling, jiaxuan, bingcheng, edmound, saylong, dickson.lee, chengheng, lijian, adrain and two other girls, one is edmound's god-sister while the other is her friend. they quite troublesome lorhs. so anti-social also. what's more, me and yanling were blamed for being unfriendly and were told to be more initiative. come on larhs, we talked to them but they didn't answer us lorhs. hmms, forget it. =]

anyway, we went to watch silk. hmms. it's not really a ideal horror movie to the rest maybe because it didn't really involve ghost killing people or ghost seeking revenge because they were raped or murdered. silk is much of a thriller where there were a few scenes that actually really scare you because of some sudden movement or sound. overall, i like this horror thrilling movie. maybe because this is the first time i watch with yanling and jiaxuan(who freaked me out during the movie) and also the first time me seeing all the ghost face. hahas.

well, the twelve of us didn't sit in one straight row. we bought the tickets in such a way that six were infront while the other six were at the back:
front: - the two girls, jiaxuan, dickson, sayloong and adrain.
back: -edmoung, lijian, yanling, me, bingcheng and chengheng.

then, during the movie, jiaxuan wanted to tell me that the female ghost(mother of the young male ghost) looked more like a "zhen zi" and crawled like the ju-on rather than what she might be suppose to look like. she called me but i didn't hear because i was engross in the movie then, guess what she did. she touch my leg lorhs. hahs. so stupid, i was totally freaked out because i hated this type of feeling when watching a horror movie. it also reminded me of the time i watched 'ghost train' with my friends, haniza was freaked out and screamed in the middle of nowhere because one of my classmates grabbed her leg. hahs. the next funny part was when the female ghost revealed her face. yanling was so scared because of her hair although she can take the yound male ghost's face(which was identical). i joked with her saying that if she's scared, she should also have a hair cut. hahas. ohh yeahs, she scratched her hand. she also made one remark that made me laugh. she said that her heart was beating very fast and she was scared that she might have a heart attack. hahas. cute right?

maybe it's because i'm used to watching horror movies that i wasn't really scared of the movie. it's like things are expected to happen because it usually happens. one good thing i've achieve is that i finally looked at disgusting scences, faces and watched the whole movie. hahas. i use to cover my face when there were scences with the revealing of the ghost face and missed good parts. i couldn't take faces that were disgusting because i would feel like vomitting. i hope the movie won't be rated NC 16 despite having some scences that might make one feel uncomfortable. (=
the movie was scary but touching(to me).

after the movie, me jiaxuan and yanling went to harbour front to look for my parents because they(my parents) wanted to shop for monitors, mp3 and computers in the "BIG megastore". however, jiaxuan and yanling left after having dinner and me buying a pair of shoes. jiaxuan had to leave because it was late.

shopped for the things but couldn't buy because it wasn't worth buying. my mother was once a bankruptcy and she had to bring her garento(or whatever it is) with her to pay the things by instalments. so, all the shopping were wasted. after that, we went to "BEST"(in vivocity) and i almost quarrelled with my dad. he was damn weird. my parents wanted to buy a mp3 for me because mine was sort of spoiled.
i fell in love with two designs but my father insisted me to buy the one which cost almost the same but had added fuctions. i didn't want it because i didn't like it a bit. it didn't even look appealing to me. he scolded me or somehow commented that i was stupid. at that point of time, i was wondering whether the person who is going to own the mp3 is him or me. i didn't like that mp3 with many functions because it didn't look nice and the graphic was so damn dotted.

reached home at aroung 2300+ after sending felicia(my sister's friend) home. ohh yeahs, vivocity is really big and nice. i liked the tiles, so shinning.. hahas.

hmms, guess it's another long post today. gotta go. i wanna watch television!!! =]

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