Sunday, July 16, 2006

yet another day wasted.

as mentioned, i wanted to start with my assignments yesterday but somehow i didn't. lols.
woke up late yesterday so end up not visiting my dad's company. ohh well, still went out with my parents to attend this investment talk anyway.

my mother told me that we will reach home around five plus but we end up reaching home around seven. the talk for the investment was a total waste of time. we went to the company which was kindda cool and big and nice and comfortable. hahas. but we waited for a while went to the room full of people and laughters and chatters. sat there for less than fifteen minutes and we are out! lols. my parents told the person in charge that if the 'talk' is going to be almost the same to other 'talks' they have attended then they might as well leave because they are totally not interested. so the person in charge of talking to us called his manager and my parents both signed this document and left. dumb and lame right? lols. but my parents say it's because there's this so irritating person who kept calling every hour to check if they are coming. tsk! that's the power of money i guess. hahas. after that, we shop around for nothing and had desert at swensens! hahas. it's a pity my sister had to stay at home to do her project. hahas.

reached home rather late and end up didn't do any homework but watch the television until one thirty am. hais. few more days and my scv is gonna be history. =[

so, i'm left with only one day to complete all my assignments. there is no end in completing my assignments. hais.

one maths graph correction, one maths worksheet on coodinates geometry (another topic i hate), one magazine article to re-write, one news paper article to reflect on, one chinese composition to complete, three tuition assignments. urg! also, one power point presentation for infocomm. hais. =[

so till the next time i'm free to post, tata!

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