Wednesday, July 19, 2006

posting in school. =]

am now in school doing nothing waiting for jiaxuan, gary and jianhui. maybe i am also waiting for fengni and gang too. couldn't find them so didn't get the chance to tell them that i'm in the lab. missed prefects meeting again. it totally slipped my mind. how can i forget such a important meeting? by the time i remembered the meeting, i went down but the prefects came out already. so sad. then i saw serene. she update me that SRP for history is still on but i didn't go because out history teacher told us in class that for the next three weeks, we will have maths SRP. hope it's not true because wednesday is the only day that has no maths lesson expcept for alternate days whereby there's maths SRP. urg!
after learning what i've missed for the prefects meeting, i walked around to look for serene who went to take her bag. she wanted me to accompany her to wait for weishan. since i'm also waiting for gary jiaxuan and jianhui without companion, i agreed. then she say meet at the second level. while i was looking for serene, i saw jocelyn and i took the other route. gosh! i was so afraid that there's really SRP for history.

anyway, things haven't been real smooth for two of my friends. didn't expect anything like this to happen. how can two glue-liked friends' attitude change about each other. it's a good thing that i no longer trust that thing anymore. hahas. really hope that things will work out between them because i cannot be of much help since i'm not of the same gender. it's not only about the gender but i also don't know whether i'm suppose to know what i've known. what if one of my friends feel that i'm a busybody? one thing for sure, i didn't ask about what had happen. it's just coincidence that the person who told me needs to relieve hers/his mind about the things he/she know. so i guess my number was the easiest to dial.

learned more about programming today. it's so god damn difficult because everything i face a problem, i cannot find the problem. that's the problem with me nowadays. i cannot think of a solution. tried to finish my maths assignment given yesterday to hand up tomorrow but i was stuck at one question and i gave up. hais.

one of my CCAs teacher-in-charge, the vegetarian wolf, is back. i think i should just log off and see what he's doing. it's about time that gary and jiaxuan and jianhui are released from SRP too.

till the next time. =]

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